School Curriculum and General issues
3,793 topics in this forum
Organisation In Reception Class
by Guest- 2 replies
i'm currently teaching reception and would like to know how other teachers organise their day. thanks louise
Fables With Recpetion
by Guest- 3 replies
Does anyone have any good ideas for CD or KUW linked activities to do with fables? My mind it drawing a complete blank and the net seems just full of colouring sheets. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks. Gaynor
The World Around Us
by Guest- 1 reply
Hiya everyone My aunty is currently working hard doing her GTP and needs some help with the toipc the world around us linking to the world cup looking at countries such as germany, sweden, trinidad and tabago!! any that are in Englands group in the world cup!! any ideas would be fantastic!!! Thank you AEK
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
by Guest- 1 reply
Sorry my internet connection keeps cutting off - I have typed my message about 5 times already hence the duplication of the last message and my increasing frustration with using the net to search ideas!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
Rose Report/playing With Sounds
by Guest tinkerbell- 2 replies
It's my turn to be fed up. Went on a course for Early years co-ordinators today where we were shown some bits from the consultancy paper on 0-5 curriculum.we were also told that we would have to use playing with sounds according to the findings of the Rose Report. I spoke out to say it wasn't compulsory and surely we could use Jolly phonics or whatever we had in place so long as it was systematic.(I actually like some of the games in the playing with sounds) No body spoke it was one of them sort of courses. So I then told them what I thought about the authority buying into the PIPs assessments...bearing in mind the consultancy paper says no testing for under 5's!!! s…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
Fables With Reception
by Guest- 0 replies
Hi, We are going to be spending a week on fables with recpetion and are looking for some good CD or KUW linked activities. We will definitely do the hare and the tortoise but if anyone knows of any good contemporary fables that would lend themselves to CD or KUW activities better then that would be great too. Thanks
- 3 replies
think I am having a thick moment, and just need a bit of inspiration as am feeling that numeracy carpet sessions based around calculating are getting a bit stale, does anyone have any good ideas that really work well for them, cheers bb
- 5 replies
Does anyone know where I can get visula prompts such as good looking/listening/turn takin/sitting. I have had some in past but can't find them now I need them
New Children Induction Information
by Guest- 5 replies
Hello everyone, I am in the process of re-writing the induction information that we give to parents before their children start in Reception. We are having a meeting with new parents after half term and want to give them a a handout with important information on. Would love to see an example of this if anyone is willing to share, or any ideas of what should be included in it? Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_832, -
Computer Help Needed!
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi everyone, I don't usually ask for help BUT... Something has gone wrong with my computer (probably means I have done something!) and I can no longer delete hilighted blocks of text using the backspace key, only with the forward delete key. Can anyone suggest why? I can still delete individual characters with the backspace key, though. I know it doesn't sound a terribly serious problem but it is extremely irritating! All help gratefully received Thanks Fox