School Curriculum and General issues
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Topic Letter For Parents
by Guest- 12 replies
Does anyone produce a half termly topic letter for parents informing them about what you will cover in each area of learning? Just something else to add to the workload. If anyone does do this I would be really grateful to see an example. Many thanks.
by Guest- 11 replies
nursery officer
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2760, -
- 3 replies
Can anyone help please?! Some time ago a very kind forum member posted a set of continuous provision documents which were wonderful. They had a picture in the middle, and then boxes explaining what adults could do to promote learning in different areas and then a second sheet which explained what children could learn by using the area independently. I thought that I had saved them all but now that I want them I only have the book area, sand tray, physical and role play. Can anyne direct me to them? I have tried searching cont prov but they dont seem to be there.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Planning To Plan For Play
by Guest- 7 replies
Okay... let me put this in context. We're currently reviewing our FS/KS1 transition and obviously we'd like the FS to move up into KS1... but there are still issues that the SMT have because of SATS. Sooooo.... we've said that we can keep the independent learning/structured play element if we can plan for it in more detail... so that basically... what the head wants is to be able to look around the room at a class full of children 'playing' and be able to see straight away what they are learning!!! Now, although to me, it's already obvious what tthey're learning I bit my lip. So anyway... if this whole thing means that we can take play into yaer 1 I fugured i…
by Guest- 11 replies
Hi there, Just wondering if people can have a look at my continious provision plan. I feel like I am giving them to much choice, rather than saying they need to do something specific in that area - but then it won't be child initiated! Classroom_Provision_Period_from_19th_April_to_21st_April.doc
Has Everyone Seen....
by Guest- 1 reply
this fab website
Last reply by Steve, -
Strange Request
by Guest- 18 replies
but anyone know where i can buy some snails from for the children to observe?
- 0 replies
Hi everyone, I wonder if anyone can help me. My sister has an interview for a mixed Reception and year one class and she has been asked to do a 20 minute lesson that will "enhance their Communication, Language and Literacy development". There will be 13 children. Has anyone got any great ideas. It's her first interview as this is her last year of teacher training. Thanks in advance Laura
Last reply by AnonyMouse_390, -
Transition From Yr To Y1
by Guest- 9 replies
After considering the document: Continuing the Learning Journey and starting a transition policy, I would like to know whether you address parents about transition issues in the Summer term, e.g. parent meetings, letters I would be grateful for advice on this. Thanks Hers is the document Continuing the Learning Journey: Continuing_the_Learning_Journey.pdf
Picture Targets
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi Recently some kind person put a link on a posting that had some really good picture targets for writing. I downloaded them but forgot to note where they came from. Please can anyone help me locate the post. I've tried targets and assessment in the search. Thanks Trudiex
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544,