School Curriculum and General issues
3,793 topics in this forum
Target Setting - Again!
by Guest- 3 replies
I found out this week that the Head was implementing the Focus target setting throughout school and wanted Reception to be a part of that. He wanted us to adopt the whole school target setting sheets (individual child). I looked it over and realised that it would basically mean repeating most of the stuff in the profiles simply to have it on a sheet that is in line with everyone else. I successfully argued the case for continuing to use the eprofile as our target and tracking system, as at any one time we can highlight a child's progress towards meeting the standards of the FS. I'm pleased that it succeeded, but just wanted reassurances that I'm not the only o…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
High Frequency Word Stress!
by Guest- 6 replies
JMorning all ust wondering what others do with regrards to sending home high frequency words. Our current practice is to send home a book of all the high frequency words. These would be revised daily and an observer notes down ch who are and are not recognising words. In addition to this an assessment is carried out half termly to 'mop up 'those ch who have not been caught in observational assessments in whole class situations or reading groups. However this system has caused such stress this year. Parents would come in daily saying that their child can read all the words and so should be moved onto year 1 words. We would point out to parents that their…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
New Theme For Summer Term
by Guest- 1 reply
Has anyone any ideas for a role play area based on the theme of the farm? We have already had a farm shop but are stuck for fresh inspiration as it's approaching the end of term!!! We would be grateful for any suggestions!Many thanks!
Useful Books
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi as I'm new I was just wondering if you could give me some advice on any books that are really worth getting. I've just been looking on amazon and the further you dive into it hte more good books pop up! I especially liked the look of the 'The little book of...' series. But what are the books that you use most. Also I'm working in a special needs schools so would need activities suitable for these children so would be disappointed with a boook for of ideas for mainstream. any help gratefully received! thanks jo
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
- 3 replies
hi there folks... we have had some terrible news regarding one of our Y1 pupils who is desperately ill and is about to undergo long and intrusive medical treatment that may or may not work. I would like to know if any of you could recommend a suitable book/s that we could use with her class that highlights someone being ill? much appreciated
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2157, -
by Guest- 1 reply
I am not sure if i am posting this in the correct place but here goes. I teach in a reception class in a through primary. We only have one reception class. In all school policies a lot of detail is given about what happens in each key stage relating to the subject. However all the staff mention in their policies for Foundation Stage is that Foundation Stage follow the Foundation Stage Curriculum Guidance. I am worried that this is not enough. In one way it makes me very angry as i think staff staff in our school are copping out by putting this and are making no effort to 1) even read the guidance and 2) to come and see exactly how we work in Reception. I am…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
Topic Ideas For A Special School
by Guest- 5 replies
I am thinking about topics for next year. I am training in a school for pupils with profound, severe and complex needs and I want to run a two year program as I have reception and year 1 class. Just wondering if any one had any nice topic ideas that they were doing that they think would suit this type of child. I dont really have any ideas for different topics/themes so any suggestions would be welcome just to give me few ideas where to start from. Also if anyone is in the same position as me working at this type of school and could give me some ideas of the sort of activities they do to meet the ELG's that would be great too. thanks jo
- 2 replies
Can anyone point me in the direction of a posting that gave links between the Foundation curriculum and the national curriculum? i have downloaded it somewhere onto my PC but cannot find it. I want to use it tomorrow for a staff meeting. Please help! Sue
Last reply by AnonyMouse_832, -
Writing Please Help!
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi everyone, this is my first time on here and I really need some help. We had OFSTED a couple of weeks a go and the school needs to concentrate on reading and writing through KS1. (Big time!!) Unfortunately being in foundation, and the first to have these children some staff are laying the blame. Some don't agree with the foundation stage curriculm, and have made it very aware they think it is this that has contributed to a decline in results. I would love to know how other people are taeching writing, as in my head I want it to be purposeful, and fun. It seems that management in our school and the threat of OFSTED coming back next year, they want to see evidence o…
- 1 reply
I am trying to update our 'help' sheets for parents helping in the classroom Has anyone examples they use that are successful? or any ideas where I can find some examples Thanks ourjac