School Curriculum and General issues
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- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Hello All First posting to I hope someone is out there listening! We are trying to revamp our CIA and give it a bit more pep and direction and we want to change its name. We currently call it 'Choosing time' but would like a name that reflected the independent learning aspect of the activity. Any suggestions? Thanks Wilf
Last reply by AnonyMouse_25084, -
Mentoring An Nqt
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi I was wondering if anybody could give me some advice? I have recently taken up a post as Early Years leader with the responsibility of mentoring an NQT. This is new to me and really want to ensure she gets the best start to her career. I know they get 2 sessions of non contact time, one for PPA and one for CPD. What kind of things did you ask them to do in the directed time? I am going to suggest she observes some phonic sessions and visit other units (she is teaching Nursery). Any ideas, tips would be greatly appreciated. x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_26037, -
Classroom Music
by Guest- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Hello again everyone I don't know how everyone else feels but I love having music on in my classroom. I'm new to the eyfs but would have thought that music here would work well too. When I worked in the 'key stages' I played a lot of classical music and old CDs that I found in the depths of 'the cupboard'. However there are no CDs in my new cupboard and wondered if anyone could advise me on some good CDs or music to play? I've heard a few people talking about snack time songs and tidy up songs. Does anyone know where I can find these as they sound brilliant!! J
Last reply by AnonyMouse_20645, -
Reading In Reception-Observation
by Guest- 3 replies
My head teacher is coming into each class in a couple of weeks to observe a guided reading session for about 15 mins. I dont do guided reading until later in the year so am wondering what to set up! Any tips to make the reading area special and ideas about how I could set up a reading experience with a small group maybe???Please!!
Key Worker Query
by Guest- 9 replies
I have just taken up a new job in reception in a new school. I haven't been trained in the new eyfs yet so I need some advice on key workers as the previous reception teacher has put down for me to implement key workers and inform parents of this. However, there is only myself and a TA. In my view as a teacher in reception I should be every child's key worker. Maybe in a setting where there are numerous adults there is room for key workers. Help?!!!
New Class Blues
by Guest- 8 replies
Wondering if anyone can help with a little advice... I have a new Reception class of thirty who started today including three children who seemed completely unable to sit and listen. One whined and babbled continually when prevented from doing the things he wanted to do, loudly disrupted all carpet times and had to be physically held in time out several times. The other two were similar in their disruptive behaviours and were defiant, laughing when asked by any adults to stop doing something. The rest of the class (2/3 boys) are pretty restless as it is and I completely lost them most of the times the others were playing up. Just not sure what exactly I should do when one…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
- 7 replies
The new framework specifies that children must be within sight and hearing or at least within sight or hearing at all times. Many of our old victorian buildings have toilets for children in reception that are out of the classrooms, which children manage quite happily most of the time and children also do jobs that require them to take on little responsibilities like taking the registers to the office in pairs etc. Has anyone else got the siuation with toilets and if so how are you solving the problem, especially when you may be the only adult in the room if your TA is outside say? Some of our settings are worried but have no practical solutions other than build n…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_26037, -
Guided Reading In Reception
by Guest- 17 replies
Hi, can anyone give any guidance as to how they do guiding reading in a reception class with one teacher and 1 TA, just left a staff meeting about it and am feeing confused!! I used to do it once week with every child working in small ability groups! not sure i'm doing it right now though!!
Settling In Policy
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi again Does anyone have a settling into school policy I could have a quick peek at please, or aims and objectives for the first weeks? Many thanks xx
How Many In Your Reception Class?
by Guest- 10 replies
I will be moving into FS2 in September after working in FS1 for my NQT year. How many children will you have in your class in September and how many will you teach at a time? I will have 35 children (due to appeals.) Staff wise there is me and a level two TA. I will be doing my teaching to the full class and I am worrying because it is such a large group with 75% of the children being EAL. How do you organise large classes of reception children when it comes to teaching? Any help appreciated, thanks. :1b Edit: My school is a one form entry with one teacher per year group.