School Curriculum and General issues
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A New Foundation Stage Curriculum
by Guest- 15 replies
Hi As from September there will be a new Foundation Stage Curriculum and Primary Strategy, our head has just informed us. She has been to the directors meeting but hasn't been told much more than that. My understanding is that the Primary Strategy will combine Numeracy and Literacy Strategy and as far as the rest of the curriculum is concerned there will be more flexbilty with reference to the Excellent and Enjoyment document, but a major emphasis on SEAL resources(PSHE which is VTAL). I have no idea if the Early Years Curriculum will alter, does anyone know anymore? Thanks Becky
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
- 14 replies
Having just spent about 2 hours doing a flip chart to work on active primary - I wondered whether anyone else was getting as frustrated as I am to produce these lovely things for the interactive whiteboard. Do you think there might be an avenue for sharing them between settings? Seems daft if so many of us are spending x amount of time each week on these?
Promethean Whiteboards
by Guest- 2 replies
Can anyone tell me if you can or are running promethean Active Studio 2 on another make of Whiteborad. We have 2 clever touch boards and want to install and run active studio 2. Any help ???? Emma
Bear Hunt
by Guest- 11 replies
Please help!!!! I've tried scanning my pages of We're Going on a Bear Hunt but the big book is way too big for my little scanner and I don't have a smaller copy. I was hoping someone on here would have a copy for me to use - I want the children to sequence the story with the pictures!!! Am desperate as I'm being observed for the lesson!!!! Hope someone can help - would be VERY greatful !!!! Thanks in advance! x
by Guest Really- 1 reply
We are currently doing this topic and have focused on things that use batteries, things we plug in and the dangers. I did a mind map before we started and feel the children know a lot already, any ideas how I could move them on. I want something more meaty and exciting to do with them. Any ideas please?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
- 5 replies
I have got an interview for the Graduate Teacher Training Programme on 21st March and I need your help! I was all prepared to lead an all singing all dancing super story telling session with props around the theme of Kipper's Toybox but have just found out I have to read a story to a group of year 4's. Whilst I am sure they would love my original idea it possibly isn't what the interviewers would be expecting! So has anyone an idea for a story suitable to read to a group of year 4's? I can practice on a group at school so preparation isn't an issue. Thanks in advance! Sharon
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5586, -
- 10 replies
My setting is committee run and I have been told (actually an unknown person crossed out the word person on the notice and added two exclamation marks - wished they had just told me) that the correct title for the chairperson as I have been calling them, is chair, we have a Secretary and Treasurer. We have several other people who are committee members and I was referring them to as General Member. Can anyone advsie if this is correct or is their another name? Thanks Sue
- 2 replies
We are holding an Inspire workshop and want our parents to make puppets for Goldilocks and three bears. We thought of Wooden spoons for goldilocks and then card templates for the bears. Has anyone any simple photocopiable pics of the three bears that they could share? I have searched the web and they are all too complicated - I will probably end up drawing my own but was hoping someone may have done it already? Sue
Last reply by AnonyMouse_832, -
Foundation Stage/ Year 1 Transition?
by Guest- 11 replies
Hi everyone. After easter i am having to hold an inset for school about the transition from reception to year one and how they should/could go about doing it. I obviously need to be able to justify all the speele that i am giving!! I was just wondering if anyone had any good ideas/ suggestions what they feel could be important to cover . And if anyone had come across literature surrounding the big change! Many thanks in advance x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_75, -
Snack Time
by Guest- 4 replies
We have two snack times a day in Reception. Children bring in fruit from home and also receive one piece of fruit/veg from government scheme. We have fruit in a carpet session just before or after break time with story or other input. Two children act as helpers and distribute the fruit. Seems to promote caring, politeness. Also good for reading name labels on friends fruit boxes, pieces of fruit. A 'suggestion' from an advisor this week was that though this system did have positive aspects she thought we should consider having a free flow system in operation with children moving name cards from one board to another when they have eaten their snack. Thus avoid…