School Curriculum and General issues
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by Guest- 6 replies
Can someone please advise me or share their experiences of how much homework to send home (Y1 and Y2). At the moment we are sending Lit and Num home alternate weeks, spellings weekly and reading. Should we be sending more?
- 8 replies
Please give me advice . Between our 2 reception classes we have a really good creative and messy play area. We have resources there for sand, water, creative (painting), small world and construction and a small mini suite of computers. We are also really fortunate that we have a good team of staff now who have a variety of skills between them. Well... last summer the head made the suggestion of opening up the area more, ie removing frieze boards, to allow children from both classes access to all the areas: (the creative/ wet area is outside thelong window in my clasroom), and having more of a free flow approach. Good idea I thought. Mmm. As FS Co-ordinator I dul…
Growing Ideas
by Guest- 7 replies
I am being observed on KUW on Friday and as I'm doing Jack and the Beanstalk and we have already planted beans thought I would do something on this. Just wondered if anyone has any suggestions for an interesting lesson?
The Three Billy Goats
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi, I am on the hunt for large pictures of the characters and pics of the story, can anyone help? Thankyou!! We are doing story maps, puppets - drama with musical instruments and we have some nice costumes just need the pics etc We are then going to write our own traditional tale, children will choose a character from several, an event, a setting, objects, etc thought about using a spinner to decide this!
Chicken Licken
by Guest- 16 replies
Hi I am just wondering if anyone had some fresh ideas for literacy activities based on the story 'Chicken Licken'. Thanks I think my brain has gone dead! It's all this Healthy Schools stuff - I've been given the task of getting the Healthy Schools awards after previous award out of date - lots of head work!!!!!!!!
- 3 replies
This year I am incubating chicken eggs for the first time, they went in last wednesday (with some water in the bottom for humidity), then they weren't checked properly until this morning, due to me being absent at the end of last week. When I checked them, the water had dried up, and has probably been dry since thursday or friday.... Not being an expert or 'eggspert' , i don't know the implications of this lack of water for a few days, does it mean they might not hatch? I would welcome any advice from someone who has done this before!!!! bb
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4145, -
Cll Observation - Growing
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi Just wondering if anyone can give me some inspiration. I'm being observed teaching CLL (any aspect) and our topic is growing. I am in nursery, all children EAL. Was thinking along the lines of making a class book about the beans we planted last week but really unsure as to how to organise this. Didn't really want the children to just mark-make and me scribe for them. Any help gratefully recieved. Thanksx
- 0 replies
Hi, I know it's only tthe end of February but we were talking about reports at school today and what we are going to use this year. I have used report assist in the past and found it quite good. I know there is a facility on the eprofile to produce reports but someone said that it's not too good. has anyone used it? If so is it any good? We also have curriculum complete software in school and there is a report writing facility on that. We haven't used it before so i wondered if anyone has tried it? If anyone has any recommendations for good software for reports I'd like to hear about them too, Thanks Sue
Last reply by AnonyMouse_832, -
- 13 replies
I want to set up some kind of fairly continuous sorting activity for initial sounds, we have limited space and funds, ideally would like space for each sound, magazine files and shoe boxes would take up too much space, have thought of using a shoe tidy but can't find one anywhere (any suggestions..!), am now thinking of only having a few sounds at one time, and maybe using baskets with sound written inside on the carpet with a box of items.... this seems to me to be such a nice simple activity, but the practicalities of it are doing my head in in a limited space, any ideas anyone... cheers
Last reply by AnonyMouse_62640, -
Foundation Stage Pgce
by Guest- 15 replies
Hi, I am posting here on behalf of my other half who has an interview for a PGCE primary course, he is desperate to work in the Foundation Stage. (he is a big kid!) One of the things they need to is to introduce an educational issue at an informal small group discussion, they suggested reading the TES and Guardian but he has been looking to no avail. I have discussed all the usual topics - inclusion, parental involvement but they all seem to be what everyone else will talk about. Can anyone think of anything? I'm drawing a blank... Thanks Buttonmoon x