School Curriculum and General issues
3,793 topics in this forum
Frogs And Frogspawn In School
by Guest tinkerbell- 4 replies
What s the current thinking on this? We are studyng animals this half ter and a child has spawn and frogs in her pond and wants to bring them in.I am sure in the past it wouldn't have been acceptible.I was thinking they could visit for a day but no touching? have been on the RSPCA website but no search was successful. Thanks for your forhcoming advice Tinkerbellx
Co-ordinator Questions
by Guest- 4 replies
Hey all. Think this is mightily cheeky of me because I don't think this is possibly the right place for it, but our LEA is doing a 3 day review of us next week. As a subject co-ordinator, I've been told that I will be interviewed. Was wondering if any of you had gone through similar, or an Ofsted (as I've never gone through one! I was actually wondering whether you would have any clues as to what they may ask in the interviews - types of questions etc. I'm a little nervous and want to be prepared - so thanks in advance for any clues you may have! x
Literacy Matters
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi, I was just wandering if anyone uses the literacy matters website for their planning (reception) and if you do how do you link it to your theme of the term. For example ours is minibeasts this term but the books recommended on the site are nothing linked to minibeasts. How do you get round that? Your ideas will be fully appreciated. Thanks in advance. Zainab xxx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Foundation Stage Website
by Guest- 6 replies
- 1.8k views,index It might be useful!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
Some Bedtime Reading
by Guest- 6 replies
Just something I stumbled across on the net!
Web Links On Postings
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi Please can some one tell me how to link a web address to a posting. Also how do you do it so that the person opening the link just has to click on the word here. Thank you Trudie
- 15 replies
This morning we had the dreaded doorbell ring and the Ofsted lady arrived- coming back tomorrow. I have been in the throws of updating everything including the Operational plan etc. Have got through today and now have to see what other evidence I can come up with to show her tomorrow. Advice she gave me about OP was keep it simple- forget the Outcomes Inspectors know which Standards fit these . Suggested I just collated my evidence by the 14 Standards no more. Planning- kep this as simple as possible and workable. Oh well - will let you know the outcome later. Help - can't seem to find my reciepe for playdough can anyone help. I use cooking oil/flour and cream of …
Phonics In Nursery
by Guest- 9 replies
Following on from Mundias link in the earlier debate. I had already read this article which has come on the back of one of the local reception teachers criticising me for introducing phonics in nursery (I use jolly phonics and she doesn't). Usually at nursery I have begun introducing phonics to those that are ready in the last term of nursery. Those that have begun to do this came on leaps and bounds when they started reception. This year I have decided to do it with all the children (just one sound a week at first - but with focused and free choice activities that include the sounds we have done). The children are really responding well as we are doing it in …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2776, -
by Guest Really- 9 replies
Does anyone have some pictures of the story that can be cut out and sequenced? I have search the internet but not found any nice ones. Thanks in advance!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1012, -
Change To Statutory Starting Age
by Guest- 21 replies
Hi! Can anyone help me? have heard some snippets of info that the starting age requirements will be changing in 2008 - does anyone have any info on this and the implications that it will hold? i have done some seaching on the internet to no avail!? Thank you!! Sara
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79,