School Curriculum and General issues
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- 10 replies
Just looking for your inspiration or suggestions!!!1 I want to do a small scale fundraiser or 2 (to raise money towards lowering the cost of a class outing to the farm), and apart from a cake sale, I'm trying to think of a nice sponsored activity the children could do at home... Does anyone have any good ideas that have worked well for reception age children? We did a sponsored matchbox fundraiser which worked well (children took home a matchbox and were sponsored for the amount of things they could fit inside it - and we want do something along those lines but different..... Looking forward to your replies Cheers BB
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
Foundation Pe
by Guest- 6 replies
Just thought Id share with you a brilliant course for Foundation practitioners.I think it was quite pricey but well worth it. on thursday and friday I attended a 2 day practical course on physical education in FS .We did Gymnastics,dance,games skills and generally had a lot of fun.The scheme of activities was given to all participants along with all the CDs needed to do different sessions .The lady who ran the sessions is called Val Sabins and if anyone gets the chance to take part in her sessions GO .She is fantastic,enthusiastic,really knows her stuff and everything was geared towards children aged 2-5.I came away with a fantastic set of resources feeling very inspire…
by Guest Really- 5 replies
Not sure where to post this, but here goes. I have had some info through the post about a North West Regional Conference from the World Organisation of Early Childhood Education. It takes place on the 1st April at Manchester Uni. Speakers look interesting, but I have never heard of the organisation before. Anyone ever heard of them or been involved with them? Thanks.
Old And New
by Guest Really- 11 replies
This is my topic for next half term and am trying to think of a role play area idea. I have thought of a museum but not quite sure how to do it etc... Any suggestions or ideas please?
First Assembly As An Nqt
by Guest- 9 replies
HI, I am doing my first assembly to the whole school soon. I have a class of 30 and my topic is fairy stories this term. I would really appreciate hearing any ideas you have. I would ideally like to include a song and perhaps some acting rather than just showing work. Please help!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
Nurture Group
by Guest- 1 reply
It's been suggested by language therapist that I set up a nurture group in my reception class to help support a child with language and social skills delays. He's already in a small 'work' group with children at a similar level, but this doesn't seem to be helping with his communication - he is very reluctant to contribute. Anyone have any tips as to what I should be aiming for from a nurture group? I am concerned about level of adult input I will need to give this if it is to be successful - only me, Nursery Nurse and P/T TA for 40 children! All advice gratefully received!
- 10 replies
does anyone out there know any good shape songs, we have a triangle one sung to freres jacques, also have a square one, does anyone know of any others?
- 6 replies
My topic is spring/new life and just asking for suggestions for role-play areas, it's nice to hear what others do and not just do the same thing year after year!
- 2 replies
Anyone got any brilliant ideas for Where the wild thngs are for the Summer Term Thanks ourjac
by Guest- 13 replies
Hello, Hope you can help, I am working in a reception class and have been told by my head that we need to be going into assemblies (whole school, key stage, good work) every day. I find it a waste of time because the children seem to get nothing out of being in an assembly. I would much rather spend time on snack, outdoor provision, exciting activities etc. I feel I am stopping and starting and achieving very little simply through going into assemblies. What is the general feelings on assemblies and do the majority of reception classes participate. Thanks Emma xx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544,