School Curriculum and General issues
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3d Shapes
by Guest- 5 replies
A while ago I printed off a 3D bingo game with 6 shapes all different colours. I have done a search and found the discussion but when I open up the file a grid of 6 spaces comes up but there are 4 empty spaces and only 2 coloured shapes. Can anyone help - hopefully this link will work and show you what I keep getting 3d_SHAPE_BINGO.doc
- 3 replies
Having a very bad computer day! Had saved the addresses of lots of good web-sites for interactive activities for FS children under favourites but have now lost them (don't ask) and also can't get into this web-sites (probably very useful) topic on growing. So...does anyone have any addresses for web-site activities to do with growing plants e.g. put the parts of a plant together, sequencing plant growth etc etc that they could let me have a note of? Many thanks!
- 11 replies
I work in a village infant school, 5 classes. We have been told that as from September that we will possibly/ probably have 3 mixed yearR/1 classes and 2 year 2 classes. Does anyone else work this way? I currently have 16 yrR and 10 Yr1 and the rest of the year 1 children are in mixed year1/2 classes. Questions I have: 1. Do you plan from Foundation Up or Year 1 down? I think R up, but other people have different views. 2. Do you plan for FSC and NC? 3. Do you have seperate planning format for the two groups or do you do one? 4. How do you set your planning out? 5. How do you organise your time/day? 6. Do the year 1 children still have access t…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_379, -
Target Setting In Reception
by Guest- 2 replies
Just wondering what others do regarding setting targets for receptions children. How often? how? etc etc
Traditional Tales From Abroad
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi Guys, When I go back after half term I was planning to do a mini topic on Handa's surprise but was wondering if I could extend it with other "foreign stories" can't think of any though! Any ideas would be great. Thanks in advance! P.s Walker books do a fabulous CD of Handa's surprise read by floella benjamin including songs and actions it's excellent. They have other titles too including Can't you sleep little bear, and Going on a bear hunt, worth checking out! ruth
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
Educational Visits
by Guest- 1 reply
hiya, Has anyone taken there class on any educational visits this year. Or is anyone planning a visit this term. My school is based in Kent, Hiildenborough and would love to know what good attractions there are.
World Book Day
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi As Literacy Co-ordinator I organise World Book Day: I have some ideas, but if anyone has further suggestions, please post them. • Children bring in favourite books • Children dress up as favourite character from a book • Usborne Book Fair in Library Suggestions for Classroom based activities? • Children make puppets of favourite book characters • Paintings/Creative Pictures of characters • Lotto/Pairs, etc and other Word Games • ICT – Internet (Cbeebies stories, etc), • Reading table – children enjoy looking at range of books • Colouring pictures of book characters • Make zig zag books about favourite things • Listen to various poetry • Collect comics…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Forces Push And Pull
by Guest- 7 replies
Trainee teacher and got to do 6 lessons on pushes and pulls in a Y1 class anyone any ideas please?
High Frequency Words
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi Can anyone recommend any commercially produced games, and activities to teach the high frequency words in Reception and Key Stage 1. We already have Action words which is fantastic, but we are looking at games for small and large groups of children. Many thanks
- 4 replies
i have to give a talk to parents of reception age children about mathematics in the foundation stage, focussing on learning through play and finding maths through all areas of curriculum, anyone got any good ideas or advice on this, would be greatly appreciated cheers bb