School Curriculum and General issues
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Phonic Games
by Guest- 10 replies
Hi I'm hoping that some of you may be able to help. I feel quite fed up with the same old phonic games we play every day and need some inspiration please. We use letter fans, play a tick/cross game. pass the tin, sort into envelopes, objects in a bag, hands on heads, on knees etc, corners game but I would like to do some thing different. Can anyone help? Thanks Trudie chose this smiley because it's HOLIDAY next week!! Hooray
Learning And Teaching Using Ict
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi Found this on the Primary Strategy Website - some nice examples of children using ICT in the foundation stage.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Making Butter
by Guest- 4 replies
I've made butter in the past using the cream off full fat milk, but I'm sure I've seen another way of making butter using whipping cream (?) Anyone made butter with children, how long did it take? I might want to do it as part of a lesson being observed by science co-ordinator. Also - somewhere there was a recipe for a super quick ice-cream. Or ... any other good ideas for a Food based science lesson. Thanks, Harricroft
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73, -
Fs To Ks1 Records
by Guest- 19 replies
Is anyone else having problems with the transition from FSP to NC levels? It seems to be such a problem in our school!! I would be interested to hear how other schools manage.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Data Handling
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi! My numeracy co-ordinator is doing some montitoring htis term on data handling and wants to sample work from all year groups - might be being a bit slow but not sure what she wants from class r? what is everyone else doing under the umbrella of data handling? thanks! Sara
Pe Games
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi, Has any one got any ideas of games that i can play with my reception class but that i can relate to plants, butterflies or frog life cyles? my theme is growing and ive been asked to base my PE on games, which is a shame as the topic lends it self to dance really well! i had loads of ideas but now i cant use them! arh well, hope you can help emma x
Reception Concert - Any Ideas?
by Guest- 4 replies
Hello, I am the lead teacher in Reception (3 classes) and we have to do a production/ concert just after Easter. In previous years, we have done 'Noah's Ark' and various concerts from Golden Apple. Do any of you have any suggestions for a concert or any scripts??? I just seem to have run out of ideas this year (4th year of doing this) and I really could do with some ideas/ inspiration. It has to be a bit more than a 'class assembly' with loads of songs, a dance and a story - lasting approx half an hour. I am hoping to write the concert in half term. Hope you can help??!!
Religious Education
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi Can anyone me with ideas or links for our scheme of work for RE. We are in the middle of planning our MTP for Spring 2 and we need help with our RE curriculum. Our RE coordinator want us to teach this subject so that it is 'concept' based. We touch all the major faiths but concentrate mainly on Christianity and Hinduism. Please can you help as we are struggling for ideas. Thanks very much Trudie
High Frequency Words
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi all A group in my class at the moment are progressing well with recognition of high frequency words for reception in their high frequency word books. However they are not applying them to reading in other areas. If they come across the word outside the context of their high frequency word book it's as if they have never seen it before. Any tips on how i can help them apply their knowledge to reading in other areas? Lola
by Guest- 11 replies
As a subject co-ordinator I am aware of the types of evidence that Ofsted will require you to provide if and when they come in. As far as key stage co-ordinators, in this instance FS, what are the types of paperwork they would expect to see? Your help is appreciated!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1999,