School Curriculum and General issues
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by Guest- 2 replies
It's quite useful! and in particular for homes:
Outdoor Play
by Guest- 19 replies
In our setting we have established a free flow outdoor play routine. Ch have free access to it all day. However we have recently started questioning if we are approaching outdoor play in the correct way. We put a variety of activities out some which can only be done outside i.e bikes, scooters etc.. but many which can be done inside. We have found ourselves questioning that if many of the activites can be done inside what's the point to outdoor play? A member of our team said to give them fresh air - surely this cannot be the ony reason? We have limited resources and at the moment our outdoor play area is just a soft tarmac area. Any thoughts on the types of things other …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2846, -
Fun 3d Shape Activites
by Guest- 6 replies
PGCE early years student begging for help. I am on my second teaching practice and have a year one placement. all of my previouse experience is in foundation stage and im struggling for suitable ideas for FUN activities for 3d shapes that will engage the children. need two more activites for two more numeracy hours. where have all of these work sheets come from? i really want some practical ideas, i already have planned, symetrical buterfly painting using shape stampers and 3d construction fro,m photos, but have to fit in stack, slide and roll which i will do practically with the dreaded work sheet to record results, in reception would have shapes in …
Where Can I Find...?
by Guest- 11 replies
I read something on this site, only the other day, about someone who had listened to a speaker who dealt with children interrupting/behaving inappropriately by singing nonsense at them. I didn't write down where it was and now I can't find it/think what the key word I typed in was, or anything. Perhaps it's senile dementia setting in at the age of 36 . If any one is less senile than me and knows where I can find it I would be extremely grateful!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1999, -
- 7 replies
I took early retirement at Christmas.( personnal reasons) Then this week I was phoned up by a school asking me to do a few days in their Nursery, I was delighted, but oh dear because my CRB check is more than 3 months old I couldn't be employed. This is in spite of it being in the same authority and everyone knows me. Ringing my last HT or HR would give them more information than one of those forms, If I hadn't had the 3 week break from employment I could have taken it whilst they did a new check while I was working, but because of the break I have to start again. Now don't get me wrong I think everything should be done to protect children, but I think that a little commo…
Guided Reading
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi all, I am new to Reception and am unsure how to approach guided reading with 4-5 year olds. Any ideas? Lola
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
Golden Time
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi We have golden time Friday afternoons, and do all the usual things like computers, cooking, drama, p.e, music but I'm looking for inspiration for new ideas, can anyone help? Thanks x
Nursery Rhymes
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi Found this site for nursery rhymes, nice for an interactive whiteboard! If anyone has any further resources links, I'd love to hear from you x
- 4 replies
I know this has been raised in the past but has anyone got a transition policy from the foundation stage to key stage 1? If so any tips on writing one?
At the moment I work as a part-time teacher in a Nursery class and wondered how PPA time is managed in other Primary schools ? Any comments would be much appreciated!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195,