School Curriculum and General issues
3,793 topics in this forum
New Admissions
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi I know we are only just at the beginning of the spring term but I have been asked by my head to find out what information other schools receive from nursery schools in the autumn term. We have a standard form that we send out but more often than not it is not returned or is returned with as little information as possible and really isn't helpful at all. Are we able to insist on these forms being returned completed? Thanks Liz
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
Help What Topics To Do
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi, at long last i managed to get in touch with my LEA area to get the 'free' password to join the site and what a great site it is too. what am i doing on the night before Christmas Eve worrying about planning for next term. i have done the usual bog standard topic for ages now adn really feel like a change. i have a very supportive head and deputy who would like that too. we do loads of fun things like glup, tuff spots, outdoor weaving etc. The ideas come easily but what i find hard is putting them into little boxes and saying we will do this becoause it fits into 'people who help us' etc. i love topic work but seem to have 700 other thins running alo…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Letter Families
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi guys, I am wondering what others do as I have been teaching the letter order of Jolly phonics for many years now and fancy a change. I want to start with the cursive letters c,a ,o ,g ,d but what order/ groups do you guys do after this? I look forward to your pearls of wisdom! Mottie x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2776, -
Nursery Weekly Plan
by Guest- 0 replies
Hey, has anyone got a nursery weekly plan that they can share with me
Moving From R To Y1 Now
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi all, After Christmas I am moving to year 1 not my idea really but had no choice. The class is a good one but any wise tips, I am trying to get my head around the planning. Hope you all had a good Christmas. Happy new year to everyone. Abi
Muscular Dystrophy
by Guest- 2 replies
Any advice please. I have a four year old in my reception class who has the most awful behaviour problems I have ever experienced and temper tantrums when he can't get his own way. Unfortunately he has recently been diagnosed as having muscular dystrophy so parents (understandably) now spoiling him and giving in to his every whim even more than they did before! His behaviour is having a knock on effect on other children and he dominates my time. I have tried to find info. on MD but to little effect can anyone sugggest any good resources for such info. Also does anyone know whether MD does affect behaviour as opinions within school are mixed! Any coping strategies would be…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
by Guest- 12 replies
We have been told that all of our displays need to be a teaching or learning tool. We are finding this extremely difficult in our reception class. We have a word wall, number lines etc but are stuck as to what else we should include. Any suggestion or even better any photos?
Blending Sounds For Reading
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi wonder if any of you may be able to help me. I have a 5 year old girl in my reception class who knows all the letter sounds but cannot read cvc words. I encourage her to blend quickly which she does e.g. c-a-t, so she is practically saying 'cat' but then says something like 'tip'. We have been focussing on this for a good few weeks and many of the children who didn't know as many sounds as her are now able to blend and read cvc words. The same goes for writing where she even struggles with the initial sound with many words. I am really confused and don't know how to move her forward. Her mum has also mentioned this and I played it down as obviously it's early days - ju…
- 4 replies
does anyone know of a font or way on ms word to get letter or number outlines that can be resized? Any suggestions would be really helpful, cheers bb
Last reply by AnonyMouse_468, -
Do All Children Access Outdoor Play?
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi, sorry to bring it up again 'cause I know there have been loads of threads on outdoor play, but I have another query. I'm happy with what I offer my children in terms of activities and resources, and I've recently made the outdoor area free running (the children can openly go in / out most of the time when they are on child initiated play - can't remember term!) Because of the new system, there may be times when particular children never go out, unless we all go out (and vice versa). I've tried to watch this and don't think it's the case for many children - they're quite good at trying different things. BUT... If this does happen - does it matter? I'm a…