School Curriculum and General issues
3,793 topics in this forum
Mathematics V Numeracy
by Guest- 1 reply
I'm a student teacher and have got to do an assignment on the difference between mathematics and numeracy anybody any ideas?????
Reception Re
by Guest- 2 replies
Im reviewing the RE in reception and im interested in what other people teach and for how long. At the moment we do Harvest diwali Chinese new year jesus and his friends Noah All these units last for half a term Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2760, -
Recipes For Childern With Allergies
by Guest- 5 replies
Can anyone help!!! I have a little girl in my class who has allergies to nuts, eggs and all dairy products and I am struggling to find suitable recipes for our cooking sessions. I wonder if anyone has any suggestions or any website address that might be useful. Cheers
by Guest- 0 replies
Ive come across lots o useful attachments from people. Is there a central place where we can access these attachments
- 4 replies
Has anyone got any suggestions for phonic resources that can be made or bought cheaply? Already have object bags and stuff for PIPs games made up but would like some new ideas. Thanks, Sunflower
- 9 replies
A parent approached me today whose child began school in September. She is concerned that the workload given to her daughter since starting school is too much From the first week of attendance (she is part time attending am's only until January) she has had to learn 3 letters per week. This week she has to start writing messages to be used in class I must admit that i think this is too much, i was under the impression that the FS continued into reception and that while there would be more emphasis on the learning of letters/numbers, it would still be within a play based environment. The parent has attended a parents evening but just found that "this is the …
Christmas Shopping Story
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi! me again! I need a story to start a maths session on Christmas Shopping? Any ideas?
A Few Random Questions!
by Guest- 3 replies
Hiya - wondered if any of you could advise/help me with these questions I currently have swimming around my head; Do any of you teach your Reception children what vowels/consonants are? If so how do you do it/explain easily? Do you teach letter NAMES after SOUNDS are solid? I struggle with this especially as lower ability children get really confused? How do people do this successfully? Are any of you familiar with the 'bossy consonant' idea of explaining split digraphs? If so can you explain further/point me to any further support with this. Much appreciated thank u!
- 4 replies
Do any of you wonderful people happen to know, in order, the different modes of transport Father Christmas takes to get to Harvey Slumfenburger's house? Like the fool I am I've managed to leave my copy at school and am trying to organise resources for next week! Thank you, once again, in advance.
- 2 replies
Hi, I am planning a talk for Nursery Parents on how we develop reading skills in nursery and suggestions on how to support their reading at home.Does anyone know of a good video/DVD which I would be able to show parents that would illustrate some key points?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544,