School Curriculum and General issues
3,793 topics in this forum
- 10 replies
Anyone got any good ideas for cutting and sticking activities, current class seem very poor with scissor control, and I think my brain has stopped working properly.... Cheers
by Guest- 3 replies
Found a website with lots of free kiddy fonts to download:
Planning The Day
by Guest- 24 replies
Can anyone offer me ideas as to how they structure/ timetable the day in the Reception class. I find it very hard to detail on my weekly plans how the activities- adult and child led- will be covered. I have divided a class of 30 into 6 groups of 5. For the first few weeks they will all do morning only. Then until a few weeks before Xmas the oldest 20 will stay full time, so then planning becomes even harder. I feel very lost as the only Reception teacher in a school that changes it's mind like the wind as to what it wants me to do in regards to classroom set up and planning and a headteacher who isn't very supportive and is eroding any confidence I once had! Woul…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2776, -
- 5 replies
I am trying to find the words to a song that one of the nursery nurses sang in a school I used to work in. It was about a hairdressers. Something like "Henry's happy hair shop" and it had different verses for all the things that happen in the hairdressers - cutting, shampooing, drying etc. Can anyone help? Sue
Last reply by AnonyMouse_832, -
Witches And Wizards
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi Can anyone help! We are starting a topic on witches and wizards after half term. Im going to have a witches house as the role play area and we are dressing up one day. Has anyone got any good ideas for this based on the 6 areas of learning Thanks
by Guest- 4 replies
We want to do this with our Nursery and Reception children. Can you tell me the date and if anyone has any good activities.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
Chrismas Concert For 3-4 Year Olds
by Guest- 11 replies
Hello I am attempting to do a Christmas Concert with my nursery class this year. Don't really know if it is a good idea or not yet? But i was just wondering if anyone had any simple christmas concert ideas i could attempt, and any tips or advise. Thank you forany help Snowy.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
Role Play Area
by Guest- 10 replies
Hi Thanks for the great ideas from my previous posts! Just need a little bit of help with my role play area. After half term we are looking at Celebrations and Festivals as are many of you. I am trying to think of a role play area that we can have for a couple of weeks that will link in with the theme. Any ideas? Thanks Katie
Childrens Drawings
by Guest- 3 replies
I have a little boy in my year 1 class who draws stick people. I know that this is a sign of immaturity but i would like to find out more about childrens drawings. Can anyone help?
Early Years Website
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi I thought this website might be useful for general resources. Let me know what you think Becky