School Curriculum and General issues
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- 1 reply
Has anyone got a good job description for and NNEB working in a maintained setting foundation stage? We are redoing job specs in school and i need one to show how they differ from the TA's elsewhere. thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
- 5 replies
can anyone advise - what is the etiquette if applying and being interviewed for more than 1 job. I have 1 interview this week, and a possible interview for a different job the next day, if I am in the lucky but probably unlikely position of being offered the first job - do I have to accept or not accept there and then, I don't want to count my chickens, but if the second job is a possibility I will be very tempted by it..
Toileting Issues In Reception
by Guest- 10 replies
Could anyone tell me if there is any guideance on whether as teachers we should change soiled children. Since the start of the new term I have had two children who have soiled themselves, the first does not like to use our toilets and the second may have been unwell. I have no classroom support and have to send for 'backup' each time. I am uncomfortable with a) Removing a member of staff from the nursery and b) whether I should be checking/cleaning a reception aged child in the first place. I spoke to a collegue from another school and she thought that there may be some guideance on this. I would be very grateful if anyone could help.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
First Parents Evening
by Guest- 4 replies
I have my first parents evening this week and have to admit I am a little nervous. Does anyone have a format that they follow for this? I am not sure exactly what I should be talking about. I have thought about how they have settled, but should I talk about the curriculum guidance or the profile? Should I be setting targets? I had thought I may just give some suggestions for at home. I only have 10 minutes so it seems like alot to fit in. Help!
I know this has been discussed before but thought a new topic was appropriate! Have heard today of a school where the LSAs are going to take some sort of assessment in Maths and English to ascertain their competency to cover for the teacher in PPA time. If they do not meet the required standards they are going to be offered some courses, I believe. Anyone else doing this?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
by Guest- 2 replies
I have just taken on the role of Foundation Stage Coordinator of an independent primary school. Last Feb we had a whole school ISA inspection. We have not had nursery Ofsted inspection yet. I have been given conflicting advice as to what policies we need to have in place from, a) the school ones cover the foundation stage too, to a policy for each of the 14 areas which Ofsted look at. If anyone has recent experience please let me know. Thanks
- 5 replies
Hi I was approached by my head today and asked if I have a job description for my post as early years coordinator- the answer was no. She then asked me to write a list of all the things I do in this role. We are looking at the organisation of staff for the TLRP s. So please can anyone give me an overview of a job description for an early years coordinator.,,, or what I can include. Thanks L
Last reply by AnonyMouse_379, -
Nqt Teacher Assembly - Help!
by Guest- 10 replies
Yikes everybody, I have to take an assembly next week for the whole of KS1 and both Reception classes - has anybody got any good ideas? I am an NQT and feeling a bit scared ! I think what other teachers normally do is just read a story with a moral message and have a bit of discussion afterwards, but the children get very restless and it's often quite boring! I'd like to do something a bit more interactive and fun - that way should have less behaviour issues to deal with! If anyone can recommend a good story or way of approaching it, or something tried and tested, I'd be soooooo grateful.... Susie xxx
Child Adult Ratio On School Trips?
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi everybody! I am an NQT about to take my Reception class of 29 on a local trip to the nearby park. Does anybody know for certain what the minimum adult to child ratio is for school trips in the FS? I have been told that it is 2 adults to every child under the age of five, although during my last school placement I took a trip with a ratio of 1:4...confused ! Five of my children are already five, so perhaps that makes some difference. If anyone can help I'd be really grateful AS ALWAYS xxx Susie
Timetable Hell!
by Guest- 15 replies
hi all, i am in need of major help! i am trying to sort out my timetable at the moment. i must have changed it at least 5 times and i still cant get it to what i want. can anyone offer any advise about how they timetable their day or even provide a timetable for me to look at. i am so worried that my timetable is far to structured for a reception class. thanks all