School Curriculum and General issues
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- 2 replies
just wondered whether anybody else ever uses bark chips for a sensory tray, I saw them being used in a nursery class and thought it a really good idea.... bought some at the weekend and had them out today - only problem is that they look like they could cause a lot of splinters - are there different types of bark chips? Am I worrying too much?! any advice welcomed
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Arghh! We had a the 48 hour notice call today to say OFSTED on next week! Now Im stressing! Does anyone know what to expect? What sorts of things these new short visits focus on? Anything at all about these new visits please share with me! Thanks Jo
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi, Just interested to know what kind of painting others do. We have always just had ready mixed paints available evry day for adult led or ,more often, independent paintings at the easel. The children help themselves to paper, put it on the rack to dry themselves afterwards etc. Until recently, we had only ever done colour mixing as an adult led activity but then I went to visit a FS unit in Rotherham and was inspired to set up independent colour mixing (the children there were producing some absolutely fantastic paintings the colours for which they had mixed all on their own) the staff there had obviously spent a lot of time and energy 'training' the children to know…
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi, has anyone any inspirational ideas - we are going to have pictures that the children have done framed, and then sold to parents, only I need some good ideas on what to do. The nursery children are doing handprints on bright card, now I need something for the reception age children to do. Collage is a possibility, and I also like working with pastels. Any thoughts would be very much appreciated!!
Teaching Letter Sounds And Names
by Guest- 12 replies
Hi everyone, It's that knotty old issue again! We're about to start Jolly Phonics again and we've been told by our county advisor that we should teach the name along with the sound. I feel very unsure about this as I think it's enough to teach the action and sound. Just wondering if any of you do this and if so how well it works. Or any other experiences of teaching the sound names would be very welcome. Thanks, Jess
Pe Bear Ideas
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi all was just hoping to steal some of your fabulous ideas! I teach reception and have 3 bears that go home with the children, one with reading material and phonics games, one with writing materials and one with various PE equipment (balls, bat, dancing ribbon, markers, skipping rope, bean bags, soft frisbee). All bears have diaries and cameras and the children take a photograph and draw a picture of what they did with the bear and tell the class what they did on Monday. Last year I just had one bear that went home and the children loved it so we now have 3. The PE idea came from a PE course I went on where they allowed a bag of equipment to go home with different ch…
by Guest- 13 replies
Hi I have just done a search on reading schemes and found it has not been discussed for over a year. With new people on board all the time I'm hoping for some inspiration. I am a reception class teacher. The school policy is to change book daily (or as the children desire) for a book of their choice. This can be any band, and the idea is for the parents to read to their children to develop a love of books, imagination etc. On top of recording this daily we also listen to children read. Offically this should be 'at least once a week' but in reality once a week is hard enough, and it is spread between me, the TA and any helpers we have. We make notes in a school …
Fs Or Ey?
by Guest- 6 replies
Hello all... this is the first time I've been on since the summer hols. Hope you all had a good BREAK! I was just making a new sign for the door through to our department and this discussion arose. What do you think?
Meet The Teacher
by Guest- 10 replies
I am teaching a year 1 class this year which i am not particularly enjoying. We have a meet the teacher night next week and I would like some advise. I know I will get lots of dreaded questions like 'When will they get homework' etc. I want to convince them that children in year 1 still need lots of hands on play based activities.It seems to me that parents think that when their chn get to year 1 they are capable of so much more regardless of whether they have developed the necessary skills for effective learning to take place. Any advice much appreciated.
Help Needed - Slight Panic
by Guest- 5 replies
Hello there people I am almost sure that i have posted this before but can i find it anywhere?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? .......................... think i may be going mad! In order to share what we do with parents (oh... and to tick another box on the school SEF form) we are putting on a Basic Skills assembly to show off we are doing to learn numbers, counting, intial sounds etc.. each class in the school is putting on a turn. I have just been looking through my diary and had a slight panic - this is happening 2 weeks tomorrow! Anyone out there got any simple but effective ideas that i could pinch .... PRETTY PLEASE Thanks Sarah