School Curriculum and General issues
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- 13 replies
Hello Does anybody have any ideas for follow up activties based around the hungry caterpillar story, I have used this book on many occasions but getting a bit bored of using the same ideas just wondered if anyone could come up with any new ideas I haven't used before!! Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4283, -
- 5 replies
I am doing Elmer at moment as part of work on colours, I am looking for any literacy activities involving Elmer...... I know there have been previous topics about Elmer and I have been through some of them, so far we are writing invitations, making a 'where's elmer' book, writing a list of things we need for our parade.... any more literacy ideas (and in particular ideas for writing and shared reading based around Elmer) would be really appreciated.... Have a good week everyone...... Cheers
- 13 replies
Has anyone used Action Words for teaching frequent words in Reception? I'm using them this term and wondered if people found them helpful.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
by Guest- 2 replies
Storytelling is the focus of our book week and I need to do something with my class that will result in a display for the hall. Any fab ideas? I was thinking of using Peace at Last and trying to put together a simple story sack(Can't afford to buy one) and for the chn to use the props to retell the story. Doesn't seem very imaginative though and can't think of an inspiring display.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
Anticipation Box
by Guest- 16 replies
There is a clip on Teachers TV about routines in early years settings where they mention an 'anticipation box' or basket. My understanding is that something is hidden in the box each morning (either by teacher or pupil) and the class have to wait until the end of the day to find out what it is. Apparently they love this. It could be something a child has brought in from home to show the class, a story for the end of the day, an interesting oject of some kind etc. I really like this idea (especially having a basket on a pulley that can be lowered down!) and can imagine how it could be linked in with a topic (e.g. objects associated with different cultural festival…
Story Writing
by Guest- 3 replies
Can you give me some ideas about how to do story writing with year 1 chn?
Spiderman Is Driving Me Mad !
by Guest- 4 replies
I teach in a FSU (inner-ity) the boys' independent play all seems to be centred around guns and violence. Do any of you have any ideas on how to turn this around and make it work for me. Discouraging it doesn't seem to work. I was thinking about some play based around superheroes, but I can't seem to find a way of encouraging play about spiderman et al without it turning into a free-for -all. Don't really think I have explained myself properly, hope you know what I mean! Help!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Childrens Pegs
by Guest- 18 replies
hi all, i am trying to make some name/picture cards for the childrens pegs. Does any one have any ideas about about i could use, or some pictures, websites for pictures etc. much appreciated!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_379, -
Year 1 Help
by Guest- 21 replies
I have just started a year 1 class after teaching Reception and i am finding it very hard.We have to do an hour of lit and numeracy everyday straight after one another. There is no time to set up after each activity and i do not have a full time assistant. Today i spent most of it on my own.What concerns me is when i do group work, i can only be with one group at a time, but the other groups need some direction as well. Please could someone advise me. Thanks.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_832, -
- 0 replies
Hi I'm doing an MA in Early Years. As part of my research I wanted to know general opinions of schools who have set up foundation stage units, and how effective/ineffective they are. I would be grateful for any feedback. Many thanks'Becky