School Curriculum and General issues
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- 7 replies
I received a leaflet from Zoo Lab an interactive animal workshop. I phoned to ask content, cost etc. Preice is £70 plus VAT for 1 hour - up to 35 children over 2.5 years. There are different 'roadshows' including Pets, Caring for Living Things, Springtime, Minibeasts, Senses and Textures etc etc. I just wondered if anyone has had them visit and what you thought about it. Was it suitable for Pre-school children, what were the staff like with the children and was it value for money? Sue J
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2127, -
Numeracy & Literacy Info For Parents
by Guest- 5 replies
Hello Everyone, I've just been asked by my head to produce 2 leaflets or booklets for parents. She wants one leaflet to provide parents with ideas and activities to help their children develop numeracy skills, with a particular emphasis on subtract (more/less) and the other to provide ideas on how to develop reading and writing skills. I have to say i'm totally fed up!!!!!!! I have spent my summer holidays completeing a Foundation Stage Evaluation 20 pages long & writing a new policy. Now that I'm back at school and having been given the 'more difficult' children because I am an experienced (words from the head). Alas, I would be very interested in looking at any…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2760, -
Child Masturbation
by Guest- 9 replies
I have a four year old child that keeps masturbating herself in class, rocking whilst touching herself. She has only just joined the school. I have asked the mother yesterday if she has got an infection, she went very red in the face and said no i dont think so, i will have a look at her tonight. I spoke to the mum again the next morning and she said that she did not have an infection. but that she sometimes touches herself when she is tied. She told me to tell her daughter not to do this in class only in her bedroom, and that could i try to disitract her. but this child masturbates her self all the time. The other children are starting to notice and keep looking at her. …
Last reply by SueFinanceManager, -
- 1 reply
Just wondered if anyone knows of any good music (or sources of) to use in the classroom, I find that the children are often more relaxed in the setting with music in the background at times, we have used a lot of classical music (my cd collection has been getting an airing!!!), and would like to use some more contemporary music - mainly instrumental, but am not getting very far thinking of any... Looking forward to your thoughts Thanks basilbrush
- 10 replies
I'm having a bit of a nightmare at the moment with my Reception class and would welcome anyone's advice!!! I teach 25 reception children in a classroom which is shared by another reception class of 20 pupils. This situation would be easier if the teacher that I share with was willing to team teach, but unfortunately this does not seem to work. We don't have our own outdoor area, but use the playground, with very limited storage facilities, so it is impossible to set up this area and leave it set up. The children that I teach are quite a challenging group who are boy heavy, with 1 autistic child, and several who have serious issues with their behaviour. Behavi…
Termly Newsletter?
by Guest- 23 replies
Hi, I want to produce a half termly, or at least temly newsletter to inform parents of our topic/any other issues etc. In the past we have produced aletter but I want somethings thats a bit more appealling to read but which also follows the same format so we can just cut and paste each time. Management team have asked us to produce a 'topic web' informing parents what will be taught/covered in each subject. This would be easy enough but I'd like to include a section on things they could do at home with their child/add pictures etc. Have looked on publisher but its all a bit of a minefield at the moment and I keep running out of time! I#'d love to find out what others…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
Sponsered Event
by Guest- 1 reply
Hello there This year i have been given the job of arranging the Sponsered Event for the Harvest Festival Fundraising - Thank Goodness because I was getting slightly bored of the usual obstacle course. i was wondering if any of you out there had any more interesting ideas that i can use with all years groups from Nursery to Y6 Cheers Sarah
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Sef Help Needed!
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi we are in the process of putting together our SEF (Myself and the Head) I have been in post 1 year and I'm unsure what to write. If anyone has any advice or info on what to include I'd be very grateful as the Ofsted site doesn't exactly spell out what is needed!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Heavenly First Week Back!
by Guest- 6 replies
Am sure most of you have read my posts over the last few months and listenend to my moans about my predicament in a double classroom with the FS co who was so keen to keep to the old ways and me wanting to move into a more play based, interactive classroom environment. You might remember me saying we'd decided to put up a divide down the centre of the room and I'd spent a bit of time over the hols setting up how I wanted. Thought I'd let you all know that I've had a fabulous first week! Don't think I've been as content in a very long time in the classroom. FS co left me alone, didn't impede me in my own ways of teaching, the kids have shown some great independence …
Question To Steve?
by Guest- 10 replies
I've just been on the tes primary forum, I came upon this freebie, a role play post office resources pack. I believe it's the royal mail. I have called and all they ask is for your name and postal address. I haven't recieved it so can't coment on it's value. The question is can I put the phone number on this site Steve? Many thanks Angie