School Curriculum and General issues
3,793 topics in this forum
Black History Month
by Guest- 3 replies
Anyone done anything fantastic for Black History Month in a FSU? Am new to the school, Black History Month (October)has a very high profile. Have some ideas , but am worried because majority of chn have SEN or EAL and don't concentrate for more than a few mins in small group situations.
Classroom Layout
by Guest Fiona- 24 replies
Hi everyone, I'm changing the layout of my FS2 classroom and I'm just wondering what your classrooms look like. Do you have different areas which relate to the areas of the FSP and if so, how do you manage them? This is what I'd like to do but I'm not sure how to go about it. Any ideas gratefully received! Fiona
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
Circle Time Hello
by Guest- 10 replies
Hi all Does anyone have any good ideas for first circle time games in Reception? I have done 'pass a cuddly toy and tell everyone your name', during the children's induction sessions, but could really do with some fun ideas/games. Also, should I do circle time in smaller groups? I found on teaching practice that children sometimes found it difficult to wait their turn when in a whole class group and although not all of my class will stay after lunch, I will have 30 children in the mornings. Hope you can help - would rather use all the tried and tested and VERY creative ideas that you all have than look in a book!! Thanks Kellsa
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
Qts Skills Tests
by Guest- 5 replies
Can anyone tell me where I can practice the QTSskills tests, Ive tried the tta and can't seem to find them thanx Brenda
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73, -
- 6 replies
Hello Just wondering if anyone knows of any good resources / software for visual timetables, I have 3 autistic children starting in my reception class, and am trying to find any sources at all of picture cues.. I'm hoping that the SENCO might be able to purchase some software, but have a feeling that it won't happen... Thank you
- 6 replies
Hello Does anyone have any suggestions for websites etc that have clipart suitable for use in school. I have just been searching some kid clipart sites, but am getting really frustrated as the images distort when only a little bit enlarged... Does anyone know of any good sites that they use for quality clipart Cheers
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4145, -
- 8 replies
I have been asked to deliever some training for our fedder pre schools each half term or term after school for about an hour. Please can you give me some suggestions on what training might be useful- we have done things like phonics, braingym etc.... but I find it hard thinking of relevant training what with cluster meetings and the like. I have spoken to my feeder pre schools and they say they like to come and enjoy the training but don't have any suggestions on what they would like. Plese help as I have yo give my head a list of the training I will be delievering for the year. Thanks in advance Lorna
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3975, -
Opening Up Nursery/reception
by Guest- 6 replies
During the afternoon we are going to open a sliding door from the nursery into my reception class, as there will only be 8 nursery children , the nursery teacher and nursery nurse will be supporting me with my class of 25 by doing this. Does anybody have any suggestions as how we can do this without too much disruption to the nursery or my reception class. Would you do it as having compulsary reception focused activities that nursery could take part in if they wished?? I would love some suggestions.
Interactive Literacy Table Top Area
by Guest- 5 replies
Hey guys. I feel that I could do with a holiday about now - the time and energy I've put into sorting my room out from scratch over the last couple of weeks has taken it's toll !!! Am enjoying myself though! Was wondering if any of you had any exciting new ideas for a literacy interactive table top display? I'm working round my classroom slowly and have enjoyed being cross curricular in my areas so far i.e. music area with counting songs going on. Got to the literacy table today which is usually my strong point and I've drawn a blank! Literally - it's a blank cupboard top at the minute! Thought I'd leave my head to do some thinking this weekend - was wondering i…
Reading Scheme
by Guest- 5 replies
Does anyone know of a good Reading Scheme for reception children. I have bought the Jelly and Bean reading scheme, but on the fourth book they tend to jump from words like cat, hat and log to quack and other harder words. I hear that the Oxford books are the same as Jelly and Bean books. Instead they should be concentrating on giving the children lots of practice on CVC's and initial blends. Many thanks Gill