School Curriculum and General issues
3,793 topics in this forum
Jolly Phonics
by Guest- 2 replies
Can anyone help? We use the jolly phonics scheme but unfortunately I have lost the sheet the children colour in for the letters - 'Qq', 'Ww', and 'Vv'. Would anyone be able to send me a photocopy? If you can, could you email me at Thanks very much. Claire
by Guest- 6 replies
I am starting as an NQT in a reception teacher in September and am very keen to set up self registration. I have read previous posts on the subject and there are many great ideas but I was wondering if anyone had any photos of any they have done. Thanks
Help! Foundation Stage Policy
by Guest- 7 replies
I've recently been appointed Foundation Stage co-ordinator and have been asked to write a FS policy (incl nursery), OFSTED pending next year. Could anyone guide me on where to look for good examples? I've already spent days searching the internet. Or, has anyone got a good example that they could send me? Also, what kinds of things do I need to include. I've read about outside learning policy. Is this a separate policy or integrated in FS policy, what else do I need???????? Thank goodness I've got the Summer holidays to wirte it. Any help would be brilliant. Emma
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73, -
Family Groups
by Guest- 8 replies
HI EVERYONE! Going back to Reception in September, starting off as FSU. Got a rough idea of family groups and am thinking of having them to help with settling in/organisation but would like to know exactly how they work and the benefits. Thanks.
Transition To School
by Guest- 5 replies
Apologies if this is already on here some where but I can't find it. I'm trying to find the balance between informing the next setting and and bogging them down in paperwork that is of no real value. Preschool people - what information and in what format do you pass on to school when a child transfers. Reception people - what would you like preschool settings to pass on to you about each child. Whitetree
End Of Term Parents Evening
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi. After finishing the profiles and writng the reports i'm wondering does anyone have an end of year parents evening. The rest of my school are doing a 'come if you like' evening but i'm not sure if i should be making my parents come in. Is anyone else having people come in? Also I have a parent coming in who is obviously unhappy about her child's report, i beleive this to be because her sisters child is also in the class and got a better report (she is competitive with the children). How should handle this? Thanks
by Guest- 7 replies
Just wondering if any of you could give me some information on becoming an Early Year's AST? I'm thinking that eventually I would like to work towards this, but am not sure how many year's experience, what requirements are etc. Had a look at the website and it was very case study led - I couldn't find any FAQs so thought I'd ask you lovely lot!!! Thanks D xxx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
- 2 replies
What do you all recommend for outdoor wet weather gear? I need to order some for Sept. and will be making a bid for a grant to cover the costs. I am looking for long-lasting practical outfits that the children can move in easily, but hopefully ones they can manage themselves.
Reception Classes And Hlta
by Guest- 10 replies
We have 3 Reception classes this year. Unfortunately numbers are low for the new intake, so one teacher has to move to another year group, only having 2 Reception classes next year. Found out today, (from rather indiscrete senior manager), that the aim is to make our HLTA spend a substantial period teaching pupils from the 2 classes in our spare classroom. This of course isn't breaking any rules! Staff are furious, because in-effect, money is being saved employing an assistant to do the job that a teacher would have done previously. Our 2 Reception classes are to have 28 pupils in each. No doubt more children will come along over the summer months getting ver…
Continuous Provision Planning
by Guest- 3 replies
Found some really good examples on here for continuous provision plans. Was wondering if anyone had any examples of ones they put in ICT, Listening, small world, KU, role play, and music? Believe it or not I've got the rest!!! I'm just running low on ideas and wondered whether any kind person out there would take pity on me!!! Thanks! D xxx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735,