School Curriculum and General issues
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- 23 replies
hi there everyone we are trying to develop our small world boxes. We have got lots of dinosaurs and wondered if anyone out there could think of suitable equipment to go with them on a table top. Also we've got lots of jungle/safari animals and would welcome ideas for these too. We've thought of bits of rock and logs but want to create a bit more of an exciting play set up. The animals on their own just seem to encourage lots of roaring and fighting (that's the plactic animals not the real ones ) look forward to your ideas once again Liza
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1326, -
- 14 replies
Hi there everyone this year is an exciting year as I'm lucky to have a number of children from a wide range of countries and continents (Iran, Argentina, Sri Lanka); it's great for the Knowledge & Understanding and PSED goals but I'm at a slight loss as the best way to enable them to become effective English learners. I has a German girl 2 years ago and although she did not speak English in her home environment she seemed to get along with her peers and me fine and is now doing brilliantly in Y2. I know that this is the best time for children to acquire language and they do pick up an awful lot from their peers, but I am anxious that I give them the right opp…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
Screen Savers
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi, Does anyone know of any exciting screen savers that I could download from the web? The type of thing I'm looking for could be an animated screen with a facility to type in the days of the week. Also I have not got internet access in the classroom and would love to be able to save some of the bbc sites for children to use in the classroom, any ideas how to do this? Thanks Naomi
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2157, -
Bonfire Night
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi Guys, Do any of you know any good Bonfire Night or firework stories to link to the topic of celebrations? I just want some nice stories and there doesn't appear to be any! The previous teacher used a story called 'Sid the Firework' anybody heard of it? because I cant find it! Cheers x
by Guest- 16 replies
Help, any ideas on how to make spiders - my pipe cleaners would not stick today!! Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2846, -
by Guest- 8 replies
<_I am an NQT in Reception, and I was planning on sending reading books home this weekend with those children who are ready. However, my head does not want the scheme books going home (somw may get lost) and only wants me to send library books home to share with parents. I am very concerned that this way I am not going to get their reading off the ground - when will I have time to listen to them read? It's not so bad at the moment, but when more become ready to read then I think I will have problems. Can anyone help?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
How Much Have We Learnt This Term?
by Guest Mrs Tiggy Winkle- 11 replies
OK I will try to explain - I have parents evenings this coming week and I was trying to formulate a sheet that would make the parents reflect on all the things their children have needed to learn just to be part of school. To try to get them to realise that things 'on paper' are only a very small part of the children's learning. I have made the attached list, but I'm sure I have missed a few things out... help! Fingers crossed the attachment thing works During_this_first_half_term_in_school.doc
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi there! Has anyone made GOOP or FLUBBER before? if so what are they like (e,g appearance and texture). I remember making something (which i think was goop ages ago and it kind of set, but then ran through your fingers when you held it!! is this right? ive searched the web for recipes but they are extremely varied. Also! how do you all colour you pasta-is it a case of just addding food colouring. Sorry i'm having a craft crisis!!x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Hedgehog Buns
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi everyone! does anyone have any baking ideas/recipes to do with hedgehogs. i read one somewhere that mentioned turning over a basic bun and decorating with icing and chocolate buttons. Has anyone tried this? or do you have any other ideas. p.s i teach reception.
- 12 replies
I found this document in my files and it may be of use for new to FS colleagues. Hope it loads now........ early_years_resourcing.doc