School Curriculum and General issues
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Construction Ideas
by Guest- 8 replies
Hello, I am very aware that I don't use construction in the best way possible to maximise learning. The boys in my class love it and I am a bit lost as how to best intevene and develop it's use in all the curriculum areas. I feel I get a bit stuck in the old shape and space work! Does anybody have any good ideas or know of courses/books where i can find out more, Thank you! Nicola
Help Needed - Africa
by Guest- 5 replies
Hello there I have been volunteered by my Music co-ord to take part in an African Art, music and dance project in my LEA involving Foundaition Stage and KS 1 - 4 classes across the LEA. I am to receive twilight sessions on mask making, ceramics, art, african music and dance etc, but i thought that i would be a nice idea to try and make this a mini topic for a half term after xmas and was wondering if anyone out there had done such a topic. Do you know of any good African Stories suitable for a Reception Class? Any activties that could be incorprated in the KUW, PSHE etc aspects. Any help would be fantastic - anything at all? Sarah
Behaviour Problems!1
by Guest- 2 replies
I was wondering if anyone can help me in understanding behavior plans! I am about to begin my final block placement in what is known as a 'challenging' school and i doing some reserch into behavioural strategies and plans in the early years. What is an IBP? I aware this mean an independent behaviour plan but what is involved in this? Also, do all setting have a behaviour policy and what kinds of things does this entail. Is it things like sanctions etc? HELP!!!!!!!!!
Research Ideas
by Guest- 4 replies
Hello Can anyone offer me any ideas on how I go about choosing an area of research for my dissertation? I am an advanced early years student teacher and have a couple of ideas but would appreciate a little guidance! Thanks
Individual Targets
by Guest connie b- 4 replies
hello, should I be setting individual learning targets for children in reception, that are shared with the children and if so how do I go about it?
Day Trips Out For Under Fives
by Guest- 10 replies
Has anyone any good ideas for taking our children out on a trip. We have been to a Children's Farm, and an Aquarium. We are located in Stockport therefore near the motorways but we dont really want to be travelling for more than 45 -60 mins. We usually hire a coach and take lots of mums too. Has anyone ever taken a large group of children to a zoo eg Chester Zoo?
Maths In Reception
by Guest- 3 replies
Hello, I have been using the pack "Mathematical Activities for the Foundation Stage" for some ideas on maths activities in reception. Have others been using this, how do you find it, and how does it fit with the NNS plans for reception ? (which I am a bit aware I am not following strictly)
- 2 replies
I am hoping for some help as I'm at a loss for this weeks numeracy topic of heavier and lighter using non-standard measures. I just can't wake myself up enough to think of some really good independent activities! We are working from the abacus F2 syllabus so I'm sorted (with a bit of adaption) for activities for myself and my TA. we work on a carousel style during our numeracy sessions so I'm looking for activities that will last approx. 10 - 15 minutes. In addition, my mentor (I'm an NQT) has informed me that she is taking the lesson on Thursday and wants to see the children's evidence of their independent work... I am only now asking them to evidence the activ…
Personal Development Plans
by Guest cat33- 2 replies
Steve, thanks for the article on personal development plans. I have taken a copy of the preparation sheet. Do you have a sheet for actually recording the plans? We have a very involved and not totally appropriate record sheet that I would like to improve. Thanks Chris
by Guest- 1 reply
I am cuurently undertaking research into the transition from reception to year 1. Are there any Reception, Year 1 or mixed Reception and Year 1 teachers who are willing to fill in a questionnaire for me. All completed questionnaires greatfully recieved!! Email me:
Last reply by Steve,