School Curriculum and General issues
3,793 topics in this forum
Reception/year 1 Help!
by Guest- 6 replies
Well after me posting a thing about reception/year 1 classes while I was on the job hunt, I'm now living it, and after 3 weeks in, I'm finding it tough to balance the work. The school I work in is a 40 intake so there are mixed classes throughout the school. I think I have to have the hardest job in school with a mixed R/Y1 class. I have 9 reception children and 17 year 1 children including one with severe autism who has full time support. I have a number of academically struggling kids in my year 1 group and some who are pretty good, the same is true for my reception, one in particular REALLY struggles with most things. I'm struggling to find the balance of activities an…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73, -
Foundation Co-ordinator
by Guest Franlowe- 2 replies
Hi everyone. I am browsing this site in the hope that I can get some ideas for my application for Nursery Teacher and Foundation co-ordinator which has to be in by Friday 30 Jan. I am currently teaching a Reception/Foundation 2 class in the same school. I have a sheet with the following points on: 1. Strategic direction and development of the foundation stage. 2. Teaching and Learning. 3. Leading and Managing Staff. 4. Effectively deploying resources. 5. General - administration, organisation, building links with community groups. I am finding the whole thing rather daunting. Any ideas anyone please?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73, -
Subject Leadership
by Guest- 1 reply
Ofsted inspection looming in a couple of weeks. I have to sort out my coordinator file, both for the Foundation Stage and for Art. Does anyone have any thoughts about what should be included and formats. It's my first inspection and just getting my head round classroom presentation, planning and other paperwork is beginning to 'do my head in'. Thanks for any advice in advance! Angela
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73, -
Transition Curriculum
by Guest- 3 replies
I am currently involved in producing a transition curriculum for the reception year and year 1 and would like to get in touch with anybody who has already got this curriculum in place, or who has got any good ideas/ suggestions!
Last reply by Steve, -
Resourcing Reception
by Guest- 2 replies
I have some money to spend for my Reception class. A majority of it is for my outdoor area and literacy area. I have got all the catalogues out but am not sure what to buy. I do not have much storage space so am unable to purchase large items. What I would like to know is what resources do you find work really well. What can you not live without in your classrooms...
Morning Entry To Class In Reception
by Guest- 3 replies
I was wondering what other recep. teachers do first thing in the morning - at my last school the parents dropped the children into class from 8.45 onwards, & we started the day by choosing activities. I used to moan about starting my day before everyone else but the children were almost all happy in the morning. This year we have lined up in the playground at 9.00 and come in for registration. A few of the children have started crying at this time since Christmas, and I think we would benifit from doing a more informal entry. I just thought it may help me to get it right if other people could share what they do in the mornings! Thanks very much, Dianne…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
What Makes A Good Teacher?
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi, i am currently carrying out some research on effective teaching and learning and at present i am focusing on the role of the teacher. I was hoping that people could share their views on 'the characteristics of a good teacher' or their own philosopy of teaching as these are areas of particular interest. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!x
- 12 replies
Help! I am looking for a word processing package that our nursery children can use. Does anyone know of a programme that allows the children to type letters on the keyboard and the computer sounds the letters back to them....... and then I want it to blend the sounds into words....... and then read all of the phrase...... etc etc!!! The High Scope 'educating young chn' talks about this, but I can't find what I want. I have looked at the Curriculum Online site but I think it only caters for yr 1 upwards. Jacq PS Are there other forum topics about comp software?
Noisy Classroom!
by Guest- 3 replies
This is a very simple topic compared to others but I'm on my own in Reception and would value some ideas. Since Christmas I've got 6 new (rising 5s) children taking my class to 22 and am finding the noise levels are unusually high. i think the problem may stem from one particular child who just doesn't seem to be able to "use a quiet voice"! Has anyone got any ideas for encouraging this child not to shout or any general ideas for lowering noise levels..hope that makes sense and doesn't make me sound like I think 'children should be seen and not heard'! Jen
- 5 replies
Hi - This is a post originally from Crestacat who posted at the end of a long topic called 'Reception - the Best Way Forward'. I felt that it needed its own space, so I've moved it here, hopefully re-creating the title meaningfully...