School Curriculum and General issues
3,793 topics in this forum
Child-initiated Activities In Year 1
by Guest- 4 replies
There is lots of advice coming through that Year 1 should be given time for child-initiated activities and that Foundation Stage principles should be carried into KS1. Many people seem to be following this advice especially in mixed-age classes. I would like to implement this way of working in my Yr R/Yr 1 class (15 of each with full-time TA support). Having worked in a fairly formal way with Yr 1 for many years, I am unsure of the organisation of this and lacking in confidence. I would welcome any advice - how do people timetable this approach in a Yr R/1 class? How much CI time do Year 1 have? Do they have the same choice of activities. HELP please!!!!! Gail
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Design & Technology Help Please
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi everyone, Didn't know whether to try SEN or curriculum for this one so here goes, We are intending to run a Twilight training session in the summer term on DT for all staff. We currently use the Equals scheme ( which staff like) but we are keen to ensure that it meets the needs of all our pupils.I am especially keen to promote Designing and Making skills/evaluations. Does anyone have any ideas/suggestions for a suitable person to deliver such training or can anyone suggest useful websites or publications? We will be holding a whole school D&T day later this term on a Christmas/Winter theme involving a range of activities. Has anyone done this, any advice or d…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_196, -
Assembly/collective Worship
by Guest- 3 replies
Hello Just been informed today that instead of going to 5 assemblies per week the whole school will have 2 inclass collective worships per week, and the rest will remain as whole school. Does anybody know of any ideas/resources that would be useful for 'teaching' this aspect of my newly timetabled day? what does everyone else do in a reception class? Thanks Sarah x
P.e In Reception
by Guest- 3 replies
I am just doing my MTP and im stuck on my PD one. I have planned games and dance (linked to CD) but need some gym activities which will show progress over 4 weeks and that involove going on, under etc. please help I want to enjoy some of my Christmas holidays:)
Reggio Emilia Approach
by Guest- 0 replies
I am lucky to be involved in a project based on the Reggio approach and will be working with an artist in the New Year on a project based on observing and documenting the reception children's discussions and ideas. If anyone else is working in this way please let me know. The main issues I am thinking of at the moment are: how to spark off an idea with the children - whether to include whole class or only one group - I think there will be one group which are particularly interested / involved and others may come in and out Thank you
Reception - The Best Way Forward... 1 2 3
by Guest- 61 replies
What do you guys think is the best way to organise a Reception class in light of the Foundation Stage Guidance? Every time I go on a course or visit another school and I talk to other teachers, everyone seems to be doing something different. In our school we have organised what used to be three seperate reception classes of 20 into one big Reception 'unit' of 60 children. The 3 classrooms are all connected to each other and each room contains a different 'area', for example one room is the messy creative room, and the other room contains the construction and small world toys. We use the plan, do, review structure of High/Scope to organise our day and the children…
Last reply by Steve, -
- 13 replies
Just had my topic cycle, for Reception, thrown back at me as it is too similar to Yr1! We used to work alongside 1 of feeder nurseries to ensure continuity when children moved from 1 setting to another. It was a 2yr cycle ---Colour, Toys, Journeys, Food & Festivals, Shapes, Water. However, with children now spending the whole of the Reception year in school, the Nursery have changed the way they plan and no longer start from topics although I suspect they must use something to get started from! The children who have come to me are actually much more aware than previously although I don't know whether this can be directly attributed to the children or their previous …
Medium Term Planning
by Guest- 1 reply
Hello, I teach children from a mixed rec year 1 class part time. I have been given a topic web for medium 'topic' planning then an A3 grid for week by week planning to come from the web. It is what the KS1 teachers use, with the National Curriculum subjects down one side then week by week across the top (so you show what is happening in each subject each week) I have tried to change it so it has the FS areas on it instead. I can understand how it is useful in KS1 to show cross curricular links but is such a format used generally in the foundation stage? Thank you
Help Please!
by Guest- 5 replies
Hey! I know that year 2 is a bit older than the discussions usually on here, but on friday I was given a day's supply work in a year 2 class (I've not taught year 2 since my 2nd year on my course about 4/5 yaers ago now!) and I've been told to take my own work with me. I'm fine with literacy and numeracy stuff, but it's the afternoon stuff I'm worried about. I'm not sure what to do with them, and I have no idea what kind of resources they will have, because i've enver been to this school before. Anyone got some interesting ideas for this class? I'm doing it on tuesday, so any quick responses would be great! Usually when I'm told to do what I want it's a last minute…
- 9 replies
I keep reading in lots of posts about senior managers, heads etc who have yet to be convinced about the Foundation Stage and the place of play in the Early Years curriculum. Members may or may not be aware of the fantastic centre in Huddersfield - Early Excellence. I came across this haven at a recent Early Years Conference and I would say to anyone who is battling against "Foundation Stage Sceptics" that you should send your heads or senior managers there. Run by comitted early years experts, the centre houses the most fantastic collection of resources for purposeful play, literacy, outdoor activities I've ever come across under one roof. Coupled with a pupose build …