School Curriculum and General issues
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- 5 replies
Okay - So as an NQT last year I did not spend enought time modelling how to use areas, tidy and class expectations. This year, after a week in school l'm already seeing the difference. Last year I recall that after 2 weeks we started 'teaching' and planning around children's interests and by week 4 we had paretnts in for a celebration afternoon and there was work on display to show what they had been up to. By spending the first half term this year focusing adult led tasks to model how to use areas when should I start planning around an interest or theme - IE all about me, dinosaurs... I'm worried I wont have enough up on my walls for parents or visitors to see…
- 7 replies
Help! In 3 days I have an interview in a school for a Reception job. because I hae been in a nursery where it is totally child initiated with adults playing a supporting role and because of the age I don't feel as confident as I would like to. I need to do a half hour session, leading to an activity with a focus group...any advice I would be very happy to receive!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73, -
Non Fiction Reading Scheme
by Guest- 2 replies
Can anybody recommend a non fiction reading scheme? We currently have Fireflies but need something else to compliment this.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Author Visits
by Guest- 3 replies
Has anyone had an author, illustrator or storyteller visit them that they can recommend suitable for FS and/or KS1. Any contact numbers/ websites would be great. Thanks
- 1 reply
I wonder if anyone could help with getting parents involved with their children's learning? We are holding a meeting to show how to support learning in phonics and maths but I really wanted to give the parents something to take home with them and to give to the parents who have not turned up to the meeting. What do you think the key points should be? Many thanks. Lucy d
Last reply by AnonyMouse_379, -
- 5 replies
We are introducing home accident forms in our Foundation stage. I have made a simple form but am unsure what to say in a letter to parents. I gather the forms are to 'protect' us as well as the children by parents informing us of accidents they have had at home. Our parents are the type to get suspicious and think we are 'checking up on them', home visits took a while to be seen in a positive and unsuspicious light! How can word it so they see the value and not take it negatively?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_9844, -
Nqt's 2011
by Guest- 12 replies
Hi All, I wondered if there were any NQT's on here. Thought this might be a good place to support and seek advice from one another Net xx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_26037, -
- 4 replies
Hi. We are due to open a nursery soon and have a little money available to us. No doubt I will be on here looking for your brill advice a lot. We are thinking of uniforms at the mo. The thing I'm particularly keen to get right is outdoor gear. I was suggested all in one suits but I felt we would spend more time putting them on!! Has anyone got any tried and tested macs or any other suggestions. I know there has been a lot of discussion on here so would be great if I could be pointed in the right direction.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13401, -
Open Futures
by Guest- 0 replies
is anyone doing the open futures thing in school? We're just starting this year and it sounds fab but just wondered if anyone's been doing it for a while and how it's going?
Role Of Keyworker
by Guest- 10 replies
Hi all, I have an FS2 unit of 41 children, I am the only teacher but have a Nursery nurse, and 3 TAs/LSAs. I have been advised to set up a keyworker system but am unsure how to set this up efficiently? Would the keyworker only work with their group? How would you timetable this- my original idea was to have 3 inputs and 3 jobs with an adult responsible for each one and they would work with all children throughout the week (obviously those that wanted to do the job). Then in observation time they would then focus on their key children. Is this the best way to manage it?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307,