School Curriculum and General issues
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Interviewing For Lsa
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi, I have just taken on the role of FS leader and have interviews coming up for an additional LSA. Just wondering what sorts of questions I should ask them? Looking at their application forms/letters they have varied experiences and some have very little Early Years experience. I am also thinking of asking them to do a short task such as reading a story or something similar. Any advice much appreciated. Thanks in advance
New Classroom
by Guest tinkerbell- 1 reply
Hi everyone i am getting quite excited because during the summer the building works has started at my school .We are to have 2 brand new classrooms r/yr1 and yr1/yr2 and a new hall above us (we will be an extension).The old part of school will have classrooms knocked through for the 2 KS2 classes. When we go back I am going to ask for a scale plan to work out what furniture I will need.I will of course be taking decent units,tables and chairs with me.I will have a store room whoopee !and toilet area off the classroom whoopee.I have hated the reception children having to go tothe school toilet with big boys who barge and bang the doors,I think it has frightened a few …
- 3 replies
This may be a bit of a stupid question so please forgive me. Having seen lots of mentions of schemas on here I've done a little bit of reading about them and think I understand what they are. What I was wondering though was whether they are something that applies principally to pre-school aged children or whether it's relevant to reception age too. I'm asking because it interests me but at the moment there are so many things that I feel I need to do to improve my practice I'm trying to prioritise a little. Is it something I should be doing more research into given that I have a reception/Y1 class? My apologies if the answer to this is so obvious I should have f…
- 6 replies
Hi, does anyone have posters cards that can be displayed next to toys such as jigsaws or blocks that explain all the different things a child can learn from these toys? Thanks
Behaviour Workshop
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi, All my girls are on in house training next week. I have been asked to do a workshop on behaviour management. At the minute I have put on my presentation "what does our policy say", EYFS and role play. Has anybody got any suggestions with what else I can can add, needs to be atleast two hours. Trying to link this in with my EYP STANDARDS. Any ideas will be really Appreciated. Thanks Tiff
- 4 replies
Hi! Do you have a dress code for children (3 - 5) in your setting? Is so, could you kindly share your ideas? Thanks in advance .
Last reply by AnonyMouse_9650, -
- 6 replies
I am doing something 'radical' this year and I am not setting up an area for PSRN. For many years I have set up an area of the classroom devoted to PSRN and spent hours trying to entice children in there, as it is not something that they have experience of or see adults doing at home. Maths is one of those things that infiltrates all other play and children often do it without being told to, or without having to go to a specific area of the classroom. So...this year I have no area for PRSN, instead I have all resources in different areas of the classroom with PSRN enhancement baskets to add to their current play. What are other people doing? And do you find similar i…
Supply Teaching In Cheshire
by Guest- 6 replies
Not really sure where to put this, but I'm looking for good supply teaching agencies to sign up with in Cheshire and was wondering if anyone could recommend any. I have no experience of the area so have no idea which are the best to go with. As for why I'm on supply again after years actually teaching my own class, that's a long and rather bittersweet story which I won't go into right now. Any help would be appreciated though!
- 5 replies
Hi everyone, Please please please can someone out there rescue me from my nightmare?? I have been given the joyous task of re-writing our PSHE and Citizenship scheme of work over the summer holidays and I am finding it a real task!!!!! With the NC, SEAL and numerous other initatives i'm finding it really hard to get my head round which order the themes needs to go in, which year groups should teach which NC objectives etc. Does anyone out there have a PSHE scheme of work they would be willing to share or have any advice on how to write one?? This has already resulted me to tears twice so any help would be greatly appreciated??? Tinky
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3401, -
Coming Into School
by Guest- 3 replies
I have an issue that I'm hoping somebody can offer advice about. In the new school year I have a little boy starting who has already shown his severe reluctance to come into my Reception setting - or any early years setting in fact! As part of our new intake transition we invite the children to reading sessions (20 mins 3 times a year) where a few reception children and a few rising 5s mix together to enjoy a story in the reception setting - this little boy's mother chose not to include him in these. We also have a half day session where the children come to the reception setting to spend time getting to know it and the staff - when the boy in question came to this h…