School Curriculum and General issues
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- 6 replies
Hi everyone we have been invited by the rest of the school to take part in Maths week. Has anyone done this before and if so have you any ideas of how best to go forward with this in Nursery? We would like to be able to send activities home (unfortunately we can't invite parents in as they are already coming to another workhop in a couple of weeks). Would love some inspiratation to get us started
Naughty Boys
by Guest- 4 replies
I don't like using the term 'naughty' but it is the only one that seems to apply to a small group of boys in my class. I have Year 1 whom I brought up from Year R and so know them really well. However i am really struggling with some of the behaviour. I am fortunate to have a very able class and a majority who are able to get on and work with little support however I have another group who need support and then there are my SEN group who are all boys. No matter what strategy I apply positive or negative, rewards,sanctions nothing seems to impact on them. Yes they have learning difficulties and we have addressed these needs and now we know that some of their difficulty is …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
Assessing Ict
by Guest- 0 replies
Help! I have just been given the role of ICT coordinator, and I wanted to pick some brains to find out how other schools assess progress in ICT in KS1? Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. K.
Fed Up With Flooded Room!
by Guest- 4 replies
Just wanted a moan really, and some ideas. My room flooded over Christmas and is going to take several weeks to repair! My class and I have decamped to the library (a mezzanine above hall) and part of the hall. I have moved a lot of resources/furniture and have put up displays and tried to set up different areas to try and make the children feel as at home as possible. They were like little lost lambs at the end of last week though. They were so independent before Christmas but thats all gone at the moment. I am trying to be as positive as possible but its hard! We have no access to our lovely outside are due to builders etc and can't make too much noise in hall d…
Art Ideas For Creative
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi I wanted to do more art activities in my classroom and thought it would be good if we could study an artist for a couple of weeks and do some art work in relation to theirs. Anyone done this before and got some wonderful pieces of work for display? My brain is dead and we have only been back two days Thanks x
- 21 replies
HELP! I teach YR / Y1, finished NQT year 18months ago and still pulling hair out. I have tried so may ways of making this work and have finally reached conclusion that it only works for the children, not for me.Losing heart and after spending 6 years to train part time degree etc to get to this stage I don't know what to do. My school is fabulous, very supportive, but there is too much to do and my energy levels are at an all time low. Anyone there who can talk me into staying? Would be very grateful!
Stories For Storytelling
by Guest- 8 replies
I love storytelling and have been using the stories from The Bumper Book of Storytelling. I also made my own version for storytelling of A New Home for a Pirate and Nat Fantastic. I made these for Year 1 but I think they are a bit complicated for my Reception class. I wondered if people would be willing to share other stories they have adapted for storytelling and maybe we could build up a bank of them which would fit different topic ideas. I've tried to upload Nat Fantastic but I don't seem to have the pirate story on my laptop. Nat_Fantastic.doc
Letter Formation Activities - Help!
by Guest- 9 replies
We always look forward to a rest during school holidays and then when we get there, we start thinking about how things will need to be changed when we get back to work!! I am currently thinking about the standard of writing in my cohort. Children have a good grasp of phase 2 phonics now but letter formation is holding some of them back. We all know it is not good practise to just sit children down with pencil and paper until thier formation is beautiful and then move on to the next letter. SO.... what are you all finding that works well? I was wondering if there was anything that was working for others apart from formation in sand, finger painting, shaving foam…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13401, -
Pse Ideas For A Class That "clash"
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi I was wondering if anyone could help me. I have a reception class of 30 and although they are all lovely they seem to clash together as a class. Not all but there are a handful of children who don't seem to mix well with the others. They bicker and argue over the resources and toys and are constantly "telling tales" on each other and the other children. This started in September and as the term went on they got better and I felt I made progress but over the lst few weeks they seem to have gone back to sQAURE One. I have a behaviour chart (Sun, Cloud, sun cloud with their pictures on it) but i feel i need more. Can anyone give me some nice PSE activities, games …
Early Reading - Fast Words?
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi I am a nursery owner and have been talking with a parent whose child is now in reception class. Her son is very bright and his mother feels not challenged enough at school. He came to visit our setting today and showed me his reading books etc. He has a book called 'fast words', were each word is accompanied by an image, supposedly to help the children recognise the word. I dislike the images and cannot see how some of them at all relate to the word. I am trying to look into this more, to understand the system or programme just for my own reference really. Does anyone know anything about this? An example is the word into is matched to an image of a box wit…