School Curriculum and General issues
3,793 topics in this forum
How much should children play in reception?
by Guest polly_grant- 0 replies
Calling all reception teachers! I'm wondering how much opportunity for play there is in reception classes, and what factors influence this? I'm a former reception teacher and keen user of this helpful forum. I'm now training to be an Educational Psychologist. For my thesis, I'm investigating this topic, and would greatly appreciate your involvement. The results will help to better tailor support for effective learning in the early years. The questionnaire takes about 10-15 minutes to complete, and can be found at: I do hope that you will participate; there is an added incentive of the chance to win an £50 Amazon gift certificate!!
Cursive Writing
by Guest- 1 follower
- 20 replies
Hi My SENCO is quite keen that in Reception we introduce children to cursive writing. Currently we start teaching it in Year 1 and the scheme we follow suggests we print in Reception. Is there anyone who does start with cursive in Reception? Does it work for you or does it add more confusion when children are trying to learn letters? I'd be really grateful to hear about your experiences. I wouldn't mind changing but I feel like I need to be convinced before I make a change! Thanks alot
Last reply by AnonyMouse_33773, -
- 2 replies
It's been ages since I have been interviewed for a job! Am leaving my job of 11 years as EYFS teacher-wasn't interviewed for it, just given it!! Going for a job as a Nursery EYFS leadership role. Anyone give me any ideas as to the type of questions I might be asked at a formal interview, as I am quite out of the loop for this? Thanks.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5664, -
- 4 replies
Hi everyone! Just a question... What is the difference between a maintained or an independent school in the UK? In which of these would an international private school fall into? You might wonder why I ask, but I live in Europe and do not know all the aspects of the English educational system. Thanks in advance for your kind and prompt response.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_15046, -
- 6 replies
I am after some advice about how to spend some pupil premium money I have got. I know that I need some small world resources to help the child in developing a variety of skills. However, I am struggling to find what I want. I love the look of the small world themed enhancement boxed sets available from Early Excellence but they are very expensive. Does anyone have any experience of these...are they worth the money? Can anyone recommend anything else? Thank you.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3975, -
Staffing issues in Reception class
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi all, we have a member of staff (level 3 trained) working in our Reception class who is currently just coming out of a short period of 'capabilities procedure'. They have made some progress in some areas so are not bad enough to be kept in capabilities but are still no where near good enough. This is having an impact on the class teacher and the team in general, not to mention the impact on the children's learning, enjoyment and behaviour. Despite many meetings in school with support and target setting, mentoring with an experienced NNEB, visits to other schools and a nursery nurse network meeting every few months they just don't seem to be able to tackle all (or even …
- 25 replies
I have been asked to provide more opportunities for gross motor development for my Reception children. I've been been given a smidgin of TA time to do this! However, I'm having a mental blank about what kind of thing I could be providing! I know, it's ridiculous and I'm feeling very stupid but I'm hoping you won't be laughing at me and can point me vaguely in the right direction! Thank you!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_22106, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I have decided that I need to start with a completely blank slate about the way I organise my day/week. TA support is changing again in school and while I will have some it won't be much and most of it is timetabled for specific things (e.g. phonics group, gross motor groups, readers). So, I am going to pretend that I am the only adult in the room - 28 children: 11 Y1 and 17 YR then any TA support I do end up with is a bonus! I'm not very good at thinking outside the box and that's where I could do with the help! My initial thoughts are circling around doing lots of cross curricular work, having differentiated challenges in different areas, having a maths or E…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4562, -
- 1 reply
I am currently based in Northern Ireland! I have been offered a PGCE interview in Newcastle, I am trying to cram as much as I can on your national framework!Can someone please point me in the right direction (e.g. Recent changes, where you can get updated information, and anything else you feel would be helpful.
Mentor needed! Reception/Yr 1
by Guest- 6 replies
Just wondering if there is anyone who currently works in a mixed Reception and Year 1 class who would be willing to be my mentor - someone who would be willing to be bombarded with PM's and cries for help! I will be moving to the Reception/Yr 1 class in September and will need lots of support, advice and probably a shoulder to cry on! I am in a maintained nursery class and have had no experience of YR/Y1. :huh: