School Curriculum and General issues
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Food Topic
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi guys, Next term were are going to be doing a theme around food.I would be really greatful if you have any great ideas for activities around food. Thank You
Last reply by AnonyMouse_22029, -
- 15 replies
Hi everyone, next week is the first time i meet the new group of parents for next year. At previous meetings the teacher has given the parents a little book which the current reception write and illustrate (a sentence each) about school - what they like doing etc. Last year this carried on as i was just starting out. This year i want to do something new, but am just a little stuck. I can't print a load of stuff like photos bc of tight budget (and there will be a slide show of this years pics anyway), and it is nice that the current chn get to tell about what they do, but the books are just really boring. They have to be photocopied which means they can't be colou…
Guided Reading
by Guest- 10 replies
How many sessions of guided reading should children be doing ? I'm sure in the rose review it was stated that Reception should do 2 a week ? Can anyone clarify this please or let me kow what you all do ?
Continuous Provision Year 1
by Guest- 4 replies
hi Can anyone help? I have been asked to set up a new area for continuous provision opportunities for our Year 1 class. I would love to see any continuous provision planning for Year i If anyone can recommend a school I could visit in the Greater Manchester who have already been working like this. I would love to arrange a visit. I would like to ask what resources they use in these areas. They will nedd to be different to the ones in the EYFS. or at tleast have a different challenge. What about sand and water? Any help would be very gratefully recieved! Many thanks
Tlr Point For Fs Leader
by Guest- 11 replies
Not sure if i am putting this in the correct place socan someone please move it for me if its inthe wrong place! Can you please tell me if the FS leader at your school has TLR points? Thanks Lola
Use Of Cbeebies
by Guest- 13 replies
Hi Just need some opinions first of all please - I'm foundation leader but teach in Year 1 - our Reception staff have got into a habit that is every snack time the children watch some kind of cbeebies program- eg. number jacks, charlie and lola etc - this is partly so the Class teacher and TA can each have their break of about 10- 15 minutes ( one goes then other goes afterwards) or do the odd job or two. It is used again at the end of the day occasionally to reward children who have tided up - would appreciate people's views!! ( I have my own views on this but would be interested to know what others think)
- 10 replies
Hi all, I am in my second year of teaching and love being a reception teacher. When I joined the school the foundation stage was very structured and I have worked hard to totally change this and firmly believe in child initiated play. I have for some time been questioning my schools approach in year 1 which is still very structured, and have been increasingly worried about my current class who are used to total free flow moving up to year1. I have finally convinced my school that they need to change! Woo! But as you can appreciate they are very nervous about change. I feel a huge responsibility to support and help them and really want to! Whilst feeling very confident…
Training Fun Inspiration Needed.
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi, I've got to deliver some training for 'IntroducingEYFS' and was wondering if anyone had had some really good training recently which I could adapt. I've got info but need some fun and creative ways of delivering it! I dont want to do all the powerpoint stuff, but want to really involve the students with some hands on fun as we would do with the children basically! ( if you see what I mean). It can be ideas for any training really as I can adapt to what I'm doing. Thanks Sunshine
- 6 replies
Hi, Do others put coloured and white card in their workshop area as part of the basic provision? We are just considering whether we should continue providing it as it is so expensive and the children do get the opportunity to cut cardboard boxes etc. Thinking we might just put in off-cuts instead of full sheets which the children tend to cut into smaller bits anyway. We provide card in the mark-making area - again would be interested to know whether others do - as basis provision or enhancements? We find that the children are more inclined to use the whole piece of card in the writing area e.g. for making greeting cards. Thanks Green Hippo x
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hi all, In Summer two I am expected to transfer my data about children in Nursery onto E profile, ready for them to go into Reception. I am worried that this is a very difficult task as they do not correlate. Would anyone have any ideas about this please. I also have to record a transfer form or end of year report for each child in Nursery. I would appreciate any ideas for this too as I feel my evenings next half term are going to be spent attached to a computer. Thank you P.s: It is a large 39 place nursery!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13754,