School Curriculum and General issues
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Writing Opportunities
by Guest- 11 replies
Hi there everybody, Can't believe I am doing my assessments on the weekend, but it has to be done at some point during this half term, so thought i would get it done today to free up some of the hols. Anyway, I have noticed that at this point in the academic year my Reception girls are out performing all the boys in Writing. Girls at point W6, and boys lagging behind at point 3/4/5. What i'm asking you guys out there....any suggestions on tempting the boys to write for a variety of purposes. The girls are naturally writing fictional stories, writing lists, little notes to each other and posting them in the post box...along comes the magical postman and delivers…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_24029, -
- 4 replies
Hi there - does anyone know about the recommended qualification for a TA working in a class of 30 alongside a qualified teacher? Also does that mean their job description should be level 1 or 2 Teaching Assistant? Have looked in the guidance, but wondered if there was anything more recent and definitive? Many thanks - and sorry if it's really obvious and I've missed something!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
Literacy Lesson Observation!
by Guest- 2 replies
Hello! Have just found out that am being observed next week by head teacher and another teacher -doing literacy with my Reception class of 30 children. Our creative curriculum topic is Transport but I don't suppose the book I choose needs to link with this-it could just be any good story! I have some very difficult children who find it hard to sit for any length of time without disrupting any focus activities and am wondering if I should be observed with just half the class and then move on to a group activity-but also need table top activities for rest of class-I have a TA and another support worker with me. Any suggestions would be very welcome-I would like to maybe us…
- 9 replies
My daughters school had an inspection and one of the recommendations that was made to further raise standards and improve the quality of education was to take steps to further develop pupils entrepreneurial skills so that they are better prepared for participation in the workplace. What are you doing in your schools to develop their entrepreneurial skills and is there anything that is working well ? I would also love to hear any ideas from other settings as to what you think may work. Many thanks.
- 6 replies
Hi, I am new to the forum and new to reception. I did not train in Early Years, so am learning as I go. I work in a team that consists of a variety of experience. As a teacher in Key stages 1 and 2, we had always been told to plan for our support staff. However, it seems a bit different in the team I am in now. My nursery nurse worked in a nursery before and was used to planning for herself. I don't want to tread on her toes by planning for her, but don't know how much to reasonebly expect her to do. I have read some threads where nursery nurses say they are responsible for an area of the curriculum and completely plan and resource all learning opportunities in th…
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi we have just had new wallbars installed and I was just wondering if there was a legal height limit on how high year r children are allowed to go? I am happy to let them find their limit but don't want to get caught short!! Lizzie lou
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
More And Less Than
by Guest- 4 replies
Have been looking at the data from my feb profile assessments and have noticed that a high proportion of children are not grapsing more than and less than a given number. If I ask them to tell me how many they will have if they get one more bear they will get anotehr one and then count the whole group again rather than tell me the number they have got. If we are playing with numbers like today and we were looking at the number 16 they could answer questions such as tell me a number bigger than or smaller than - but they said things such as 4 or 100 - not one more or one less - I am pleased with their responses but not sure it ticks the box one more or one less than a give…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi, I have to do a class assembly soon but I have never done one with Reception and have no idea where to start. Our current topic is growing and we have been looking at Goldilocks and Jack and the Beanstalk so far. I can imagine it will be really hard so any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
- 9 replies
Hi Anyone know the actions from jolly phonics for "ow " " ure" ? Thanks Redbase
Last reply by AnonyMouse_25084, -
Science Week
by Guest tinkerbell- 4 replies
Hi Is anyone having a science week at school? We have never devoted a week to science so it should be interesting.We are planning on having an incubator for this half term and hopefully the eggs will be hatching during the week.One day we will split the school into Houses and the 4 teachers will have science experiments/investigations which the children will participate in during the day...each teacher yet to decide on their theme.Mine will probably be using the outdoors and identifying trees using the Nature Detectives identification sheets. I had seen the idea of a competition or challenge where the children are invited to make a buggy/vehicle to transport an e…