School Curriculum and General issues
3,793 topics in this forum
Presentation To Govenors
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi everyone, would just like some advise really - yesterday my head asked me to do a presentation to the gov's about our Foundation stage (i am FS leader) and I have to do it on thurs (!!) was just wondering what sorts of things you would include in a presentation if it were you - was thinking will have to explain about our provision etc and attainment and my vision to move us on - anyone got any great ideas to improve this? Thanks a very stressed ems!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_21228, -
Cll Help - Again
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi everyone We are really trying to sort our Literacy planning out and I just wanted to know what you all cover (aspects of Literacy) in a week in Reception with regards to Literacy planning. How often do you do guided reading, guided writing and speaking and listening activities? How often do the chn write in CLL time? - (we have lots of opportunities for writing through writing table, role play etc...just wonderin how much adult focussed time is planned for writing.) Hope this makes sense. Would it be possible to see examples of your weekly plans so I can see how you cover the different aspects of Literacy. Need help/reassurance doing e right thing! Thanks …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_25084, -
What Are They Getting From It?
by Guest- 12 replies
In all the wet weather this week our children have absolutely loved being out in the rain. They have loved listening to the rain on their umberellas and making boats to sail in puddles. Yesterday they were adding powder paint to puddles to see the effect., My concern is these activites they will only do if an adult is working with them. The others just enjoy running, jumping and kicking in puddles etc.. My concern is that whilst they are having a great time and lots of fun im not sure what else they are getting out of / learning from their play outdoors. Any help/suggestions would be gratefully received Lola
Children's Safety Knives
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi, Does anyone know where to get safety knives for children to use when cutting up their snack. It can cut anything from a tomato to a thick-skinned pumpkin but it won't cut fingers. I have seen some on the web but they come from Australia. Any ideas on where to get them from, a little more locally? Thanks for your help
Last reply by AnonyMouse_20748, -
Phonics Alternative "i" Words
by Guest- 3 replies
I have been giving my planning for my group to teach phonics. The pointer is to "teach alternative i words" Does anyone have any hints and tips for me? I dont know where to start looking...!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
- 2 replies
I have a boy in my year one class who can take away from any number so long as it doesn't cross the tens barrier, using the rule of how numbers from one to 10 work (so for 57 - 4 he knows to count on from 4 to 7, work out how many that is and then say 53). No one has told him how to do this he just worked it out for himself. At the same time though this boy can barely add two numbers or sets of objects within 10, certainly he can't record and if he saw 57-3 written down he would have no idea what it meant. Also when doing his counting on thing he always starts from one so for the above example... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, that's 3 more numbers from 4 to 7 so 53. I'm a …
Reception Structure
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi I currently work in a foundation stage unit - where nursery and reception take part in continuous provision both indoors and outdoors fro the majority of the day. I am thinking of applying for a job where reception and year 1 work together. It is very structured - which i hope will be open to chnage. But during the afternoon they split into classes for plan, do and review - is this continuous provision? Any advice or info on plan, do and review would be really appreciated. Thanks
- 3 replies
Hello! I am an NQT working in a part time job share reception class. My job share partner is a very experienced and talented reception teacher with a fantastic manner with the children. She is also my induction tutor. I am being observed as part of my induction soon and am thinking of ideas for a CLL lesson on list writing. I am a bit worried because my approach is a little different to my job share partner's and I feel I really need ownership of the lesson to do my best for the observation - which means I really need to think up something myself rather than do the planned activity, which was not planned by me. Has anyone got any ideas? As an NQT I have …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6399, -
Guided Reading
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi a dear friend of mine is quite worried because she is bEIng obseved doing a guided reading session with her Reception class. She has 3 in the group and is fine with what she is going to do but has to also plan activities for rest of children to access independently -quiet literacy based activities-topic is Pirates. Any ideas please?Am glad its not me we don't do guided reading yet in groups
Last reply by AnonyMouse_25084, -
Class Design Help
by Guest- 9 replies
Hey everyone. My name is Francoise and I have been teaching for about 10 years in Foundation Stage although this is my first post here, so hello all! I was on maternity leave when the EYFS was introduced and although I've read it cover to cover, I've not had any training in it. I've just joined a new school (part time because of bambino) and unfortunately it's gone into special measures during a recent ofsted (due to sats results). I was taken on in September to help try and improve the FS. We are now going to get money thrown at us (apparently) and I have been given the task of coming up with a plan for a whole new reception classroom and outdoor area. Please could you…