School Curriculum and General issues
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- 4 replies
Hi all Last year I put together a whole load of story sacks using thick plastic bags. They have been so well used that the bags are falling apart and they look terrible, so i need to replace them. I have been looking for those clear plastic book bags, that have poppers at the top and a handle but cannot find them anywhere. Ideally i want the bags to be see through and not too much money cos i am having to pay. Have looked at plastic mesh weave bags, like big pencil cases, but they are £3 each and I need 15! Any ideas what I can use?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13789, -
Help! Boisterous Boys In Reception
by Guest- 5 replies
Unable to get outside because of weather. Team teach ,sometimes 56 children in area at once.Boys going stir crazy. Do I create larger clear areas for them ?. They love racing with the cars wrestling, power rangers . Our construction sets are not very inspiring . Basic Duplo, interstar, Any ideas-----------please!!!!!!!!!
Space Topic/ Non Fiction Literacy
by Guest- 6 replies
Hello all, This is my first post and would be very grateful of any replies. I am at a bit of a stand still with ideas. I am a reception teacher and decided yesterday to change my topic for January to space. Topic planning is going well but I need some fresh ideas for planning the literacy unit. At my school we concentrate on different areas of literacy for a half term and come January we are focusing on non-ficition. The first week will be taken up with recounts for Christmas day but would like to try and link literacy with our topic of space but at the moment not quite sure how. Any ideas would be greatly welcomed Thank you in advance and merry Christ…
- 3 replies
Hi all I've been searching for a page that shows the levels of emergent writing e.g. from scribble through to letter type shapes to forming letters correctly etc. I thought I saw it on the forum. Can anyone advise please.
Motivating Summer Born Boys
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi Have just done assessment in my class it has become evident that smmer born boys in my class are falling behind the girls. We have adapted curriculum already to accomodate for this and boys have opportunity to go outside everyday. Really hard to know how to get them wanting to write and read. Am stuck for any ideas or pointers in right direction on this forum please. Ta x Redbase
Children Wearing Glasses 1 2
by Guest- 39 replies
Hi I was just after a bit of advice about children wearing glasses during pe. My daughter has a turn in her eye and wears glasses for that but also to aid her vision. She has quite a strong prescription so her eyesight without them can't be that great. She's in year one now but when she was in reception she had huge confidence problems about not wearing her glasses because of her turn due to some nasty comments she had received from other children during swimming so her teacher was more than happy to let her make the decision whether she wanted to keep them off or take them off and she supported DD with whatever decision she made! However, since she st…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
Year 1s And 2s Coming Into Yr R
by Guest- 2 replies
Can you help. I am starting a new job after Xmas in small village school in small Yr R class. All other years are mixed with 2 age groups, Yr1/2 etc. The HT wants KS1 to think more of itself as being a class with five adults and wants us to team teach, me going into the KS1 class and the KS1 teacher sometimes coming into YrR - basically, I gather to help the lower achieving Yr 1 children, but without "sending them down into YrR". I feel this needs some time to think very hard about how this will be done successfully - could have benefits for both sides. I want to get to know my own children first and settle them after the change of teacher and so for the first term I …
- 12 replies
Hi all, We had the dreaded phone call today saying ofsted are coming this wed and thurs! We weren't due one until the summer term so caught us all a bit by surprise! I wouldn't normally worry as much as I know I am doing the right thing but this week as we have the nativity, I have mainly planned creative christmassy things to do - do you think I should change planning? Also I'm not sure whether I should do my profiles this week? Was going to do them at the end of next week for this half term but will it be good to have them to show progress? Thanks all! Sorry for the panicked message! KST
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5013, -
- 6 replies
This scheme looks great to me and has lots of supplemenatry resources. What are you using and how worthwhile are these resources? Im thinking of buying something for my own use rather than as a school resource as I think our budget is exhausted!
Ideas Needed - Christmas
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi, Has anyone got any ideas of how to enhance the water and sand areas at christmas? Im sick of putting the same enhancements in e.g. glitter, sequins etc Also any sparky ideas of enhancing the outdoor area at christmas- we only have a small space available as the builders are in Thank you for your help
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544,