Early Years Foundation Stage Profiles
468 topics in this forum
Tracking Yr To Y2
by Guest lahayman- 14 replies
Can anyone help?! Our school is having an ongoing argument about using FSP scores to track / target set pupil progress in Y2 SATS. Despite FS staff maintaining that there is no correlation between FSP scores and NC levels, the head and KS1 staff want something to track critical pathways. What are other people using? How are you doing this? Any information would be wonderful!!! Thanks.
Referencing In Plans
by Guest- 7 replies
I've been told that as part of my performance management I have to ensure all nursery children achieve profile scale point 3 across every area when they leave nursery and that I have to evidence this. However, as the EYFS is the legal document I reference when planning, I'm wondering what to do now? Do I use profile statements as well or instead of EYFS references? I've only just recently been given role of nursery teacher and I am having a panic as to how I can achieve this by July for our older nursery children. HELP!!!!!
What Would You Give This?
by Guest- 5 replies
Help! I've been doing the topic of space and the children have got very involved (Shame I had planned fairy tales!!!). Several of the children are really understanding things to do with the solar system but not sure what point to give them except motivated to learn and similarities and differences. I just think they deserve something else. Any ideas? 'We are stuck on to the earth by something called gravity. It is like a giant magnet. It means even when the earth moves we will not fall off' 'The moon moves round us, we move round the sun and the sun stays still' 'My favourite planet is Saturn. I like the rings made of rock and ice'. 'Neptune is blue, but it is not rea…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_17960, -
Help! How Will They Achieve These?
by Guest- 7 replies
hi all we had a visit from our advisor on fri and we were tlking about some scale points she has said tht we should not give the point 'responds to vocab involved in additoin and subtraction in rhymes and games' or the point says number names in familiar contexts such as nursery rhymes' unless we hear children initiating and singing the rhymes by themselves i.e they begin to sing ten green bottles whilst playing in the homecorner. Last year i would have given these points if children had joined in with the number rhymes during song time etc... Not may of my children will sing number rhymes when they sing a song by themselves and so if i go along with this advice they ar…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
Can I Ask These Questions?
by Guest- 7 replies
morning all i am hoping you can clarify something for me. if, for example i am watching children playing with the train track and i say how many people are on you rtrain? how many would there be if one got of etc... wuld i be able to use their responses as evidence towards the profile or would this not count because i have intitiated it with my questions?
- 11 replies
Hi all, just wondered if you could help me. How does your school use the profile information from the end of Reception year in terms of the children's scores? Are they used to make any predictions for future results? And if so, how? Thanks in advance! X
Interim Moderation Anyone?
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi ya I was just wondering if anybody else has got an interim moderation coming up? We've got one in the last two weeks of term. Never had this before. We are in Lincolnshire and they are coming in to look at CLL. They are going to choose 3 children when they arrive. Becs
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
How Many?
by Guest- 1 reply
roughly how many point have your average ch achieved so far? i am worried that i am being too strict and many dont seem to have achieved many so far?
- 11 replies
Hi everyone I am a reception teacher and currently we have 3 intakes a year. I will be losing my current class after christmas and will be gaining a new one. They will have just turned 4 and the spring term will be their first term out of 5. My currect class was no problem because they are in their FS year I could baseline them using the FSP. However my next class will not be in their FS year for another 2 terms and I know that you shouldn't be assessing them against the FSP if they are in F1, but how do I baseline them? I have been told to baseline them against the development matters statements but surely this would take way too long as there are so many and I …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_17960, -
- 5 replies
Hi, im sure like most Reception classes we have individual profile evidence books for each child in the class. We put in work, photos and on the spot observation sheets for a range of the profile points. I have been advised to put the planned observation sheets in these books as well as we do link some parts to the profile. Do other people put these in profile books??? Its just that they are a bit scrappy as we write quick and dont write them up neatly as we dont have the time. Just wondering what other people think of this?