Early Years Foundation Stage Profiles
468 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
Hi - have been looking for information/guidance on importing the PTP summer assessments into the EYFSP for the cohort that have just entered reception from our nursery. Can anybody in birmingham point me in the right direction for finding out this information??? many thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2157, -
Baseline Scores- 1-3 Or 4?
by Guest- 21 replies
If a child scores 1 and 2 in numbers for labels and counting, can they score point 4 without point 3, ie; says number names in order but cannot count up to 6 objects reliably? Similarly in calculating, if they cannot achieve point 3, finding 1 more or 1 less, can they achieve point 4, relates addition to combining 2 groups ? In the new EYFS handbook on p6 it says, for points 4-8 'for each scale point achieved, 1 is added to the base score or 3', this implies they need to get 1-3 before moving onto 4 onwards. Although i keep all the assessments together and over the course of the year it won't matter when they achieve each point, I wonder whether to score 2 for 1 a…
Help - Brain Dead
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi there, Been asked to analyse our school data for FSP from last year - what was the average point expected at the end of the year? Seem to remember reading somewhere it was a 6 ... or was it a 7?????? I've looked in new handbook and it only says 4-8. Hope i haven't been making this up?? Going a bit mad looking! Thanks H
Baseline Assessment
by Guest- 12 replies
hi everyone was just wondering how you assess the children when they first come in and how do involve the parents in this. hope you can help
Eyfs Profile 1 2
by Guest- 47 replies
Hi all - apparently copies of the new Handbook willbe sent to school next week. You can download the electronic version of it from http://www.naa.org.uk/libraryAssets/media/...k_v11_WO_LR.pdf Ocelot p.s. FSF - are you going to change your name; and the nae of this forum?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
Which Point?
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi all i carried out an observation yesterday in which the children were using large bricks outside to build a rocket. When they had built the rocket so tall that they couldnt reach the top they used the bricks to build steps to climb on so they could build the rocket higher. I'm sure this must be a problem solving point but the inly ones i can find are maths related. Can anyone help? which point would it fit in? Many thanks Lola
Age Related Expectatations
by Guest- 18 replies
Hi, I've been a lurking member for a while and I've always found the information and ideas on this site really useful, so thanks. My question is about age related expectations. There has been a move recently for measuring children against age related expectations and I've had meltdowns on several occasions, because I've been told that an average F2 child on entry should be working at a level 1b. I've been informed that an average score of 6 on the profile is equivalent to a level 1b, which thank goodness through the Assessing Pupil Progress materials has been disproved. However, does anyone know what the age related expectation for a child entering/leaving the Foun…
- 15 replies
Have just received an e-mail from my Head asking me if I can transfer my raw scores for tracking (scores from the profile) into P levels or NC levels so they can be used to set up a tracker for Year 1. I'm sure there has been some discussion about it not being relevant to use FSP scores in this way as it is an entirely different curriculum. I've looked through the posts for this week, but can't find it now. Somebody mentioned it being in the EYFS - and I did think I'd highlighted it previously so that I would have the 'quote' ready when needed. Am feeling overwhelmed at the moment with paperwork from last year and this ... on top of having workmen in!!! Can an…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
Admission Policy
by Guest- 6 replies
Help please! We need to redo our admission policy in our pre-school and I would be very grateful if anyone would mind sharing one with me. We need to tighten up on who gets priority on more sessions, new or exisiting children etc Also, what do you do about giving refunds if you close because of bad weather? Hope the new term is going well for everyone! Rose
Eyfs E Profile
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi got my copy of the new EYFS Profile today. I just wondered if anyone knows if the E profile is being updated by Suffolk? I find it much easier to use and hopefully it will still be in use. Bev
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307,