Early Years Foundation Stage Profiles
468 topics in this forum
E Profile - Reports
by Guest- 4 replies
Trying to produce end of year reports using e -profile. Entered comments in the 'comments for reporting' box at the end of each area of learning but these are not appearing in reports. Has any one else had this problem? Help!!!
Cohort Year?
by Guest- 1 reply
Just checking this cohort year is 2007 is it not? When the box comes up at the beginning of the profile it says enter the cohort for the year the children finish the foundation stage - i assume this is 2007? Any help would be great
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73, -
- 2 replies
When using eprofile to generate reports, how do you edit those statements which say s/he? How do you format the final page?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Fsp Question
by Guest- 5 replies
what percentage of your FSP is based on written evidence and just a tick in a box without evidence. I just needed stated bold and clear do I need evidence for each point. If I don't what will a moderator say? I am starting to loathe post-it notes and the idea of writing everything down I see. I felt exactly the same last year and I still feel anxious about it.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_832, -
- 5 replies
Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone teaches place value in reception? It's just that I have some children in my class who should be getting point 9 on the profile for NLC. They can do all of the things that are described in the profile but I wouldn't say they had developed a good understanding of place value because we haven't taught it!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
How Many Is Most..?
by Guest- 12 replies
Just a quick query about the CLL Profile scale 5 - Holds a pencil and uses it effectively to form recognisable letters, most of which are correctly formed. How many is most? and do you award the point if the letters are correctly formed but incorrectly orientated? Thanks for all of your help.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1208, -
Format Daily Focus Sheet.!
by Guest- 2 replies
So much to do! Can I share a problem, we are a daycare setting in a Lower Foundation area of a primary school. As we as daycare have under threes in this room, I need a weekly planning format to plan focus activities. We have detailed ongoing provision planning and add enhancements when needed. I am struggling as to how much to plan daily. Not all children come to the focus activity, and we need to be flexible. School insists on topics so we have to fit in with their choosen topic. This is difficult as rising threes and early threes need to initiate own learning and it is difficult to plan weekly what they may want to de. Hope this makes some sense. Need some moral su…
Letter Names And Sounds
by Guest- 18 replies
In order to achieve CLL Linking Scale 4 do children really have to name as well as sound letters of the alphabet. How many do they need to know in order to achieve the scale? We do Jolly Phonics and YR children know many digraphs and blends does this impact upon their achievemnt of the scale? Can anyone help?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2776, -
Focus Foundation Stage Tracker
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi there I am new to this forum, my headteacher has insisted we use the Focus foundation stage tracker. We are currently trying to use it to create end of year reports for Nursery and Reception but we are having some problems Any comments or advice would be gratefully recieved!!! April xx
- 8 replies
HI, New to forum so would like to ask how much evidence people gather for the profile. We have been told by our authority that we need 3 pieces of evidence for each statement, for each child. This seems an enormous amount. Is this the norm or just our county. Thanks