Early Years Foundation Stage Profiles
468 topics in this forum
- 12 replies
Could you tell me what you do about the following points: Writing 4 - Writes own name and other words from memory. I know this will depend on whether you're in to phonics or high frequency words but if you're 'in' to phonics then do you score this if they're writing words phonetically or do you expect them to have a visual recall of the whole word? Calculating 6 - In practical activities and discussion, begins to use the vocabulary involved in adding and subtracting. They give the example of 'add'. We've been told by advisors etc that 'add' doesn't mean anything and that in lessons we should use words like 'and'. I do sometimes use the word 'add' but the children …
by Guest- 16 replies
hi i wonder if anyone can share what sort of scores your children are achiveing at the moment. my manager (you know the one! i moan about) said my scores are too high beacuse her's are not achieving that. i explained that the children are differnet and are actually being taught something in my class ( oopps slap my own wrist) i have the evidence to support it. my main concern is linking sounds to letters and writing my top children know all the intial sounds can segement and blend cvc and ccvc words and read and write about half hfws. i have the evidience and given them the pionts to reflect this. her top can read and write a few intial sounds only. i thi…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
When Is Achieved Achieved?
by Guest- 27 replies
When do you say that a child has acheived a point. At the moment we say 3 strikes - we have to see evidence of it 3 times before we say it's acheived. these strikes can come from observations or a focus activity. Does anyone insists that 3 strikes come from observation of purely child initiated play
- 4 replies
Just wondered what other people agree in their setting how many is 'some' in scale points 2 and 3 (use some clearly identifiable letters, and represent some sounds correctly). Also how many 'other' words for point 4. thanks, just looking at my writing samples and wondering what a consensus is (if any of course)
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Analysis Of Data
by Guest- 4 replies
We got our analysis through today from last years profiles. On average children acheived between 6 and 7 points. Intheory this should be 'okay' as our LEA had advised us that children should on average be acheiving 6 points. However the head called me in the office today as he is not happy as our results are still higher (quite a bit higher in some cases) than the national average and the LEA. According to the LEA results and National Average results in some cases only 43% of children achieved 6 points or above. I am now concerned and was just wondereing what others results were like?
In House Moderation
by Guest- 2 replies
How often do you hold in-house moderation meetings? Who is involved? How often do you hold such meetings? Do you focus on one particular area or scale point? Sorry for the list of questions, but just wondering what everyone else does. I'm a bit worried that we're not doing enough. At present myself and nursery nurse get together and informally discuss profiles/particular children, but I'm sure we should be doing something more formal and involving others - eg. assessment co-ordinator. We don't get any staff meeting time, so this tends to be grabbed dinner times.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73, -
by Guest- 9 replies
We have been given a new target setting cd rom to use at school. We all have to set at least 3 targets for children in reading, writing and numeracy. The disc only goes as low as level 1 and does not cater for the foundation stage yet we have been told we still have to use it. I know this is probably an obvious question but where do you get your targets from. Do you just use profile of Foundation stage guidance statements?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Porfile And Sen
by Guest- 2 replies
I currently have 3 chn in my class who have SEN just asking if anyone uses something other than the profile to assess chn with SEN such as a I Can bookwith social skills such as I can put my coat on etc. just feel these children are making somuch progress but not in the same way as the other children and therefore it doesn't show on the profile. help would be great thanks aek
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
Statutory Requirements For Fs
by Guest- 3 replies
My school in Herts has had a few children transfer into our FSU over the course of the term from several other schools and I've had varying levels of record-keeping sent on to me. Out of the three Reception children, one sent on the Nursery Learning Record booklet - fantastic, I could readily drop the info into the eProfile and crack on. One child went to a private Nursery and therefore had 'no records' to pass on to us (particularly no NLR) - is this normal? One went to a state school Nursery and started in their Reception - and only used the tally sheets (summative) for both NLR & FSP. The FSP was started from scratch by their Reception teacher, without having …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
Foundation And Year 1?
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi guys, there is probably a topic somewhere on here that maybe you will be able to point me too? I just wondered whether i am meant to fill out an eprofile for both foundation and year 1 children or just foundation children? I am working in a mixed foundation and year one class and getting rather confused!! Any ideas would be gratefully received! K xx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544,