Early Years Foundation Stage Profiles
468 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
I've just been reading the thread Laurarapley started on how others use the profile. I'm in a County that provides a booklet per child which has the Stepping Stones and Early Learning Goals on one set of pages and then the profile statements for the same area of learning alongside them. Nurseries are encouraged to begin the booklet (leaving the profile part for Reception) and to pass them onto schools filled in. Huge amounts of evidence is often collected in the form of post its. I was phased when I first started teaching and had to fill in the document. I like someone in the discussion had counted the number of profile statements then added to it the steppin…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Help! Confused!
by Guest- 11 replies
I think I have read so many posts on the foundation profile that I feel so confused. I started reception this year for the first time, with very little knowledge of how to organise portfolios, evidence and ticking off the statements. I don't think I have evidence for everything and I honestly feel like I have failed. I would like to know the best way of organsing the profile and getting it right. Its making me feel awful!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
P-levels And The Profile
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi, As i have said in my other post I'm new on this and still training to be a teacher in a PSML school. I am just thinking i am getting to grips with the FS curriculum but the head of assessment at our school has just asked us to assess our kids using p-levels. I mentioned that I thought the foundation stage didnt use p-levels and tried to explain the profile but she isnt from early years and she hasnt really heard of it. She thinks that because we are a special needs school that we should be using p-levels and the schools using the profile must be mainstream. I tried explaining that the p-levels were assessing them at a national curriculum level and all schools use p…
Profile Data And Sef
by Guest- 3 replies
Firstly, enjoy the bank hols everyone! Now....down to business. I'm FS Co-ordinator and part of SMT in a small school preparing for OSTED, 5 yrs since last one!!! I'm busy updating the FS parts to the SEF and linking evidence. I'm using FS profile data (LEA & National) to validate my statements regarding strengths and weaknesses. I need some re-assurance that when i say 'good level' of achievement or development as evidenced by profile data, that I'm talking about the percentage of children that gain an average point 6 or more (the or more being the important part). So if there's anyone as sad as me spending their weekend working i could do with a swift repl…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73, -
Baseline Assessment
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi folks I know that September is a long way off and we have a lovely long holiday before then (can't wait already!) but our head has told us today that we need to have a really good baseline assessment in place next year so that we can justify our end of year profile results. We don't have a very good way of assessing when they fist come in so does anyone have any ideas or pointers for us to look at and discuss in our EY meetings? Please help if you can and sorry again that it is such a long way off but we want to get this sorted out this term. Thanks Trudiex
Observations As Assessment
by Guest- 9 replies
I have recently attended our termly moderation meeting run by our LEA early years team. They said that assessments used towards the profiles shoulld now make up 80% of the assessments used. The point being that f children are truly able to do something they will do it in their free play. This i agree with , however as the LEA stated, focus taks and inputs still need to be done in order to 'teach' the children. Our problem is that we have 44 reception children and 3 staff. We do a numeracy, literacy, pse, KUOW, creative and physIcal focus each week. It takes all week to get through 44 children with each of these focuses. We plan obsrevation time but this is very little an…
- 36 replies
HI Believe this was mentioned before but does anyone have any up to date info on how the profile scores relate to NC levels. I have heard tody that point 9 can relate to level 2, on some scales. Susan
Whose Job Is It?
by Guest- 9 replies
orning all Who in puts your profile data onto the e profile. Our LA says that administritive staff in school do it. Our head is also very willingling to support this. However when i mentioned this to the clerical staff they were not happy bunnies. They seem to think that i am using them as my skivvy or personal secretary. I am ot at all and have inputted the data myself before but am just trying to follow the LA's advice. What do othersa do? Lola.
Linking The Profile And The Guidance
by Guest- 11 replies
hi, Im new to this site. I work in a special needs school with reception class. The Foundation Stage is just beginning to work properly but we still have lots to sort out. Just wanted to ask about planning. You definately plan from the FS guidance dont you? covering all of the ELG in there per year? but these dont really fit in exactly with the profile. So... does everyone plan and work by the guidance and then when assessing fit it in where you can on the profile or is there a better way? thanks - I'm a student at the mo-qualify in july but no one at school seems to know! thanks jo also half of the pupils in my class will not reach these ELG but should I …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Are Profile Booklets Statutory?
by Guest- 9 replies
Need clarification as not getting it from my borough (v helpful indeed!!!!). We used to do the pink FSP booklet but our borough came out with own version which included the 9 points for each area plus some extras so they are more broken down. Had a visitor recently who said this was not acceptable and we should be doing pink book as it is statutory. Recently a head teacher friend told me its only the score that is statutory and we can use our own booklet as originally advised. Help!!!!!! No one from borough is replying to messages/emails and am quietly going bonkers at prospect at doing 30 FSP bklets on top of what we have already started. Can anyone refer me to where it …