Early Years Foundation Stage Profiles
468 topics in this forum
Profile Statements
by Guest- 15 replies
Hi there, I have the joyful task on monday to put work and observations etc into the kids profiles. I want an A4 page that is parent friendly that briefly outlines what the six areas of learning to stick in the front of the profile so parents understand how the kids are assessed under these areas. has anyone done something similar ??
- 5 replies
For those of you that just love statitsics..or like me have to comapre your data to national data, the provisional FSP results came out this week. Enjoy the bed tiime reading if you need the data to complete your SEF. national FSP data for 2005
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
Gifted And Talented In Reception
by Guest- 6 replies
Dear all, Am looking for a range of views, experiences etc , as usually found on this site. Has anyone experience of very gifted pupils in any of the areas of the FSP. If so how did you record their progress ? Were NC levels used? I know I can add 'other assessment' applies to e-profile. I am looking at a child who will achieve all 9 points of the profile in this first term (as soon as I find time to double check my assessments) especially in CLL and MA. I am approaching the LEA assessment team and G & T teams but wondered what other experiences there are out there? Also what experiences do folks have of extending learning through play based activities. I want to…
Numbers As Labels And For Counting
by Guest- 2 replies
Help! Can any of you wonderful people out there answer my question. On 10th August Ladybug posted her FANTASTIC format for recording evidence for the Profile - see 'Sharing ways of keeping evidence for the Profile.' My query is regarding the first three points on Numbers as labels and for counting. On Ladybugs download they are different to the first three points in the Profile Booklet. (We think Ladybugs are better and have kept them) but I want to be in a position to explain the change if I am challenged about it and don't think "I got it off the internet" will be good enough! Can any one shed any light? I have tried to ask Ladybug but have had no luck.
Reception Portfolio
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi, Been thinking about doing a reception portfolio to show evidence of childrens achievements. Has anyone done one of these or has anyone got any ideas they would share? Kissy
- 27 replies
Hi everyone, After just organising my computer files from the last year I has just come across to me just many very useful resources I have downloaded and used from all the kind people on here! So I thought it was high time that I shared too!!! Last year we decided to trial recording children's progress through the profile in a slightly different way after finding the profile books slightly difficult to split up and flick through for 'handy' day to day use. When we evaluated what we wanted to be able to see quickly and clearly from our assessment we decided on: 1) A format that clearly showed how we had made the judgement - sticky notes, photos, observatio…
Last reply by Steve, -
Nc Levels At Beginning Of Year One
by Guest- 5 replies
I work in the Foundation Stage of large primary school and the school are introducing a whole school tracking system for pupil progress. This is to start at the beginning of year one (thankfully the 3 foundation stage classes are not being asked to complete extra paper work and tracking sheets). However I need to find a simple way of being able to level the children against NC levels for either the end of Foundation or very soon in Year One. Is there any way of using their profile scores at the end of foundation to do this or are the yaear one teachers going to have to assess the children themselves at the start of the year. It seems a shame that all the work we do on …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
Planning For Observations
by Guest- 14 replies
I have been trying to organise my thoughts on how I will do observations when I start my job in September. On my last teaching practice observations were done as and when but I wanted to be more structured in planning for this. I will have two full time support staff and would like to use their time wisely also. Can I ask if you choose a specific number of children to observe in a week and if you focus on one area of learning or even one particular stepping stone/elgs or do you simply collect evidence from all that you observe and put them into the relevant areas? Also, how soon do you start recording in the profile? As you can probably guess I am pretty clueless so …
- 9 replies
I've just watched the 'Continuing the Learning Journey' DVD, there was a section on profile analysis using the 'e-profile'. It looked really useful, but we don't use the 'e-profile in our LEA! Does anyone have any formats drawn up on Excel for example so that I could produce individual graphs, or graphs for each of the scales?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1208, -
Evidence/observations And Profiles
by Guest- 13 replies
Please help. At a recent moderation meeting we were told, in no uncertain terms, that ONLY observations (long ones) from child-initiated sessions can be used to make judgements against the profile points. I have since re-read the Profile Guidance and that guidance seems to suggest otherwise - ie - that you can plan 'assessment observations' and gives many examples of incidental observations. It seems like an impossible task ONLY to use evidence from child-initiated sessions. Please advise/help.