Early Years Foundation Stage Profiles
468 topics in this forum
Profile Booklet
by Guest- 2 replies
Just thought I would share som info. For those of you that need examples of how to score children in the FSPB log onto the QCA website and get a copy of Foundation Stage Profile Handbook. It has lots of info and examples. i have completed my 'scores' and now look forward to writing the reports. I plan to write the report in the blank boxes. Do people hand write these booklets or type and stick it in? Do we include photos and samples of children's work ? What have people done in the past?
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi, please can someone give me some ideas how i can write an assignment.Discuuss the claim that children's early social relationships are the foundation for emotional security and social understanding. Obviously i know that it does,but i don't know how to structure my essay.Any ideas please would be gratefully acknowledged. Thanks Louise
- 35 replies
I am a Nursery teacher working in an LEA where reception children are admitted to school the term in which they turn 5. This means that I have reception aged children in my Nursery Class who will be moving into Reception after Easter (the summer-borns). Our Reception teachers have heard that they are to be visited by a moderator after Easter and they will be looking at evidence of children working at 3 ability levels in CLL and C. At a recent cluster group moderating meeting, we were told that we need evidence for each point marked in these 2 areas of the curriculum for the chosen children. We have collected certain evidence in the form of post-its, annotated photos, …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
by Guest- 5 replies
We're in the middle of looking what to do next Autumn with the new intake from Nursery. I have heard rumours that there is to be a pre-profil to feed into the profile. At the moment our nursery assesses to the stepping stones, which means in September it either means us transfering all their records onto our profiles, or just reassessing the children again according to the profil statements. I think I'm right in thinking that the first three scale points in each of the 13 areas are what's expected for a child to have achieved by the end of Nursery. So basically, we're considering how it would work to have the Nursery assess to these first three scale poin…
Cheshire Profiles- Help
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi, Just wondered if anyone on here from Cheshire LEA could spare me some time to discuss the profiles.........I am a very confused NQT whose head is making her do both the QCA and step by step- i have filled in the step by step but I am unsure of the next step! HELP! PLEASE!
- 7 replies
Hi, I have just found out that we are going to be moderated on the Foundation Stage Profile. The previous class teacher was moderated two years ago, but the profile had only just come in then and only a handful of profiles were being completed. What will they expect to see? All of the adults keep observation diaries and I complete observation sheets for some guided activities. I have also started to complete longer observations by tracking individual children. What other methods are people using to collect obs for the profile? Thank you
Creative Development
by Guest- 3 replies
Please can anyone out there offer suggestions of ways to distinguish between points 7 and 8 on the Creative Development area of the FSP? Point 7 is about children using imagination whilst working with various media; whilst point 8 is concerned with children being able to express and communicate ideas, thoughts and feelings using a range of materials. At a moderation meeting we had difficulty in separating 'uses imagination' and 'communicates'. All suggestions welcome!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
- 9 replies
I would love to hear your opinions about assessing scale points 7,8,9 for Creative development. I have had many long indepth discussions with colleagues in order to clarify the meaning of them and what you would look for in a child's play and work. For ease of reference Scale 7 Uses imagination in art, design, music and dance, imaginative and role play and stories. Responds in a variety of ways to what s/he sees, hears, smells, touches and feels Scale 8 Expresses and communicates ideas, thoughts and feelings using a range of materials, suitable tools, imaginative and role play , movement, designing and making and a variety of songs Scale 9 Expresses feelings an…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
Ict Roamers
by Guest- 8 replies
Help I have had a roamer sitting under my table for sometime now as I do not know the first thing about how to use it with my class. Is there anyone out there who can help or give some suggestions. Please.
- 17 replies
I am currently doing the Early Years Foundation Degree. One of the competency statements asks about the value of the FSP. As I am now based in KS can anyone give me any pointers? Have written a few things but need fresh ideas. Thanks