Early Years Foundation Stage Profiles
468 topics in this forum
Foundation Profiles
by Guest- 1 reply
I work in Lancashire and would like some advice from anyone who has completed the Lancashire Pink Foundation Profiles. In our school we have completed profiles for the Reception children and the Nursery. I have handed over my completed Nursery ones but some of the children do not have all the targets ticked because they have not yet achieved the required objectives. I have been informed by a colleague at another school that Reception teachers must start the new Profile and to not continue on the Nursery one with those children who have not satisfied all the objectives.
by Guest- 7 replies
Hello I was wondering if any of you have had to predict what levels your reception children will be at the end of y1 and also y2. I was assuming that if a child had achieved 9 on FSP then a level 3 was imminent at the end of y2, where would they be at the end of y1? About a 2b? Would appreciate anyone input on this if they have already had experience of it. Is it better to cautious and under predict? Here's to end of term!!
End Of Term Reports
by Guest- 11 replies
I struggled with producing the FSP as the end of term report to parents using the package provided by our LEA using SIMS. On Monday we sent home the reports. I had a parents evening on Thursday and had a very upsetting time with a particular set of parents. How can we stop the parents loking at what the child hasn't achieved and to point out the things they have! I find the profiles make one do this. You look for what hasn't been achieved. I had a child who had achieved on average 7/9 for each Early Learning Goals yet this was overlooked as 2 statements hadn't been achieved, therefore their child was only average! How do others deal with this? Is it therefore bett…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73, -
Pupil Target Setting?
by Guest- 15 replies
On top of everything else we have to do at this time of the year my head has asked me to produce and set targets for all my children. I have done this is my previous school but this is a brand new school, only 1 class (it will build year on year) and I haven't done targets for foundation stage before. Does any one have a proforma I could look at? I guess it will have the Stepping Stones points in it somehow? Do any of you use them successfully, are they visible for the children to see? or do they just have things like I can count to 10, I know my letter sounds, I can do my coat up? Any thoughts anyone? I can sit here and devise something but wondered whether anyone…
- 17 replies
Don't know if any of you read the Daily Mail but there was a whole page article on assessing/FSP's in Tuesday's edition this week. I found the statistics quite amazing! It says that the required reports that teachers write for 5yr olds contain more words than many novels. Boxes ticked against 117 headings show children's achievements but teachers must also provide evidence such as photos or tape recordings and summarise it in writing. If they write 30 words under each section they would produce 3,500 words per child which for a class of 30 amounts to more than 105,000 words. By compasirons JRR Tolkeins "The Hobbit" contains 97,470. Education ministers are expecting …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
- 19 replies
Am currently trawling through my Profiles - a very slow process! Began the beginning of my NQT year eager to keep on top of them and add pictures and such to make it into a very workable document that showed the children's progression and would make a beautiful report for the parents at the end of the year. Started off well, but due to issues that I won't go into at the moment, we don't have many observations other than those recorded in Lit and Num books and even them don't always relate to the scale points in the Profile. Have found this afternoon that the examples in the FP handbook are way too 'mature' for my children. What I was hoping would show their abiliti…
by Guest- 5 replies
Good morning all. Is anyone else using SIMS? I am a little concerned and wondered if anyone was in the same boat as me. I am doing all my profiles on the computer. We have a programme on SIMS Assessment MAnager 6 which enables me to put say whether or not the children can do the ELG and has space for a comment at the end. All going swimmingly, adding comments etc BUT now when I have come to the part when I can produce the document to send home to parents it doesn't seem clever enough to be able to collate the comments from CLL, MD and PSED as they all have more than 1 area of development. The idea was that the comments section for each area was at the end of t…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Can Anyone Advise?
by Guest- 4 replies
Can anyone help me? I've had no information about when completed profile information needs to be sent to my LEA (Kent) and I'm getting worried because I'm sure that this time last year I already had a disk containing a spreadsheet for the information to be entered into (I did it all myself last year, with the children 'getting on with it' around me as office staff were 'too busy', but that's another story!!) Have other LEA's sent out any information on when the data is due? Has Kent, and somehow I've got missed? I'm getting a bit panicky as I don't want to be doing it at the last minute!! Hope someone can help! Dianne xxx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_379, -
Foundations In Learning
by Guest- 7 replies
Hello all, I need a document with the above title. Apparently it costs around £70 so I'm trying to see if I can download it, as I did with Foundation profile. Any ideas what site. Can't seem to find it on the obvious ones. Regards
- 30 replies
Hi there I'm a reception practitioner and also a profile moderator. On my moderation visits I have discovered that practitioners (including myself!) are finding the scale points related to culture and beliefs (SD Point 7 &, ED Point 6) generallly harder to make judgements on. I was wondering if anyone out there is finding the same and more importantly how they are tackling the issue The FSP handbook is a good first port of call with real-life examples of these scale points being met, but I thought if other people were feeling the same then maybe we could get some discussion going on how to approach these points particulaly for next year. Many of us through…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73,