Foundation Stage Units
227 topics in this forum
Foundation Stage Units
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi My name is Sue and i am an advisory teacher for my local education authority, presently on a secondment . Does anyone have experience in establishing a foundation stage unit? Settings in our authority are generating lot's of interest in units for many different reasons, however none of the settings are purpose built . Issues around planning, resourcing, staffing are high priority at the moment for most settings who wish to esablish a unit for their foundation stage. Would love to hear of anyone interested in the topic.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
Advice/info Needed On Fs Units!
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi ya I'm new to this forum and trying to find my way around still! I was wondering if anyone could spare me a little time to share their experiences in running a unit - i have an interview tomorrow for a nursery teachers job which may also include some reception children. I have worked in both year groups but have never worked or set up a unit! Would be interested in finding out what are main issues you face with planning, how you cover lit and num strategies with rec children in the group and what works well! Thank you for any help! Regards
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73, -
Foundation Stage
by Guest- 24 replies
has anyone established an integrated learning environment for 3-5year olds e.g nursery and reception children working together. We would like to consider this for September 2003
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
History Of Foundation Stage
by Guest- 1 reply
[font= Arial] hi was hoping to obtain a brief history of foundation stage from its creator, for my foundation degree study please help, anyone!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73, -
Enhanced Curriculum In Belfast
by Guest- 6 replies
hello everybody Iwonder if anyone can help me.I am EY coordinator in a Foundation Stage unit in the North East of England.Our unit is housed in an old building which has been adapted for the purpose and works really well.There are 3 teachers,3 nursery nurses and 2 SNsupport staff working with children aged 3-5. We have a new Head who is very keen to extend the EY curriculum into year 1 because of the needs of our children.He is willing to invest time and money so it is important we get it right. We have discovered that in the Shankhill district of Belfast they are working within an Enhanced curriculum up to Year 1 and we may even get the chance to visit.However upon r…
Any Ideas?
by Guest- 3 replies
OK Chaps I need advice on what to do next inmy career!!!!! I've been teaching for thirteen years and at present am in a special school. I have been here for ten years and feel it is time to move on. BUT... at the moment I can only work part time as my daughter doesn't start school full time until Easter. I want to really, and this is my dream, run my own nursery. But I have no money to set one up or prmises. Next best thing would be a reception class...but do I go full/part time? Do I take a pay cut??? (as I'm expensive to employ now) Any advice from those who have been there and done it, gratefully received. Many thanks
Reception Class Setting Forum?
by Guest- 1 reply
I must start by saying I think this is a great site and I have really enjoyed reading many of the posts in the different forums! I have found some great ideas and links to other websites. So far my experience of working with children has only been with reception, and next year I'm set to have a mixed class including Year One children. I visit the nursery where the majority of our children attend once a week which is brilliant for building a picture of their experiences before reception. The nursery is not on site and therefore the 'foundation stage unit' will never be an option. Reading posts on this site has been great for bringing me back from paperwork mountai…
Last reply by Steve,