All Early Years settings & Childminders: General Issues
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- 19 replies
I am struggling with separating the ideas of ‘parental partnership’ and ‘parental involvement’ and wondered if anyone would like to start a discussion. I work in a village pre-school and feel that I have a good relationship with many of the parents. I've been studying this for my foundation degree... and wonder if anyone has any views to help me sort this out in my mind... Parents support the pre-school really well and attend any ‘events’ enthusiastically. We regularly share information with parents and ask for their comments which nearly every parent does, which we then use to inform our planning. Parents can put a star on our ‘celebration wall’ which can be ex…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1326, -
Your Thoughts Please... 1 2
by Guest- 30 replies
This was given out at a Stay & Play session I attend as a childminder... "Due to budget cuts and restraints upon staff time and resources only fruit and water will be provided in any session delivered by xxxx Children's Centre for both children and adults. No hot drinks are to be consumed in children's sessions. Please note parents and carers are politely asked not to bring their any of their own snacks/drinks/food into any XXXX Children's Centre session. Your co-operation is gratefully received. Thank you. Children's Centre Manager It's caused a lot of negative feedback so I'd like to know... Do other CC's have this policy? What about babi…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
Firestation Roleplay
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi all Hope everyone is well. I really need your help im doing peole who help us after half term focusing mainly on firemen due to the interest from the boys and i need some ideas of what to put in my roleplay going to be a fire station i think. does anyone have any photographs of their roleplay as a fire station or ideas that i could put in to simulate the interest. please help thanks kate
- 1 reply
HIya, we have a child in our setting who has a mongolian blue spot at the bottom of her spine. today though we noticed more spots (at least we think they are) one near her hip on the left side and two either side of her ribs (if we didn't know better it could be seen as a bruise from where the child may have been held too firmly). Now as i say we have noticed the one at the bottom of her spine through routine nappy changing, but we have never noticed the others (this may be because we have never had need to change this child's top before (as we did today) and therefore they may have always been there but we may not have noticed them. is it usual for them to just …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2418, -
Soap Flakes 1 2
by Guest- 1 follower
- 33 replies
Finally found some soap flakes.....have used them before but the consistency wasn't right. Read somewhere...magazine i think that if you soak them over night they work better. Has anyone else done this?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_22106, -
- 1 follower
- 17 replies
my friend asked me what is classed as "expressed indecent behaviour" her little boy held his 'gf ' hand on the carpet and he got confused and said to another little one to be his lover! he is only 4 years old and when his mam asked him whats a lover he said i loveher . (i love her) is this classed at indecent behaviour?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Just having a little snack review - would like to offer more snack items from different cultures - any suggestions which have been successful with your group? and possibly some that weren't!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19782, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
We've a 2yr old who started this term with a long list of things she's allergic to, including wheat & gluten. In terms of snack, sharing birthday cake, and parties, we're working with parents and think we're ok. But playdough is more of a challenge...! Commercial Play-Doh does contain wheat gluten so is out. Our basic flour & water playdough is of course also out. I do have a couple of recipes for cornflour based playdoughs, and parents have said cornflour is ok. Does anyone have experience with recipes that work in preschools (ie, with larger amounts of children than you'd have at home!) We will only use the playdough ok for her when she's in, b…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6008, -
- 6 replies
Hi, I wonder if anyone has any tips or suggestions.... please??? We have a child at pre-school who is 47 months old and been attending us for 13 months. He has always caused me a little concern, and I have spoken to our SENCo who thinks his behaviour is more to do with genetics - as his mother behaves in a similar way.. well now mum has asked me for some advice on his behaviour and I just don't know what to say! basically his behaviours are:- he finds it very hard to concentrate even for 1 minute, he turns around and looks behind him when you try to talk to him. he can't follow simple instructions and often gives a really inappropriate answer to questi…
Help With Behaviour
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi, I work part-time in a school nursery with 16 children at the moment. There are 2 adults (either myself or my jobshare) and the nursery nurse. the majority of our children this year are EAL with 3 hardly speaking any English. 2 others are on the social services at risk register so need extra monitoring, 3 have quite challenging behaviour then we have 1 who we are really struggling with in terms of his behaviour. He finds it very difficult to sit for any length of time. So far he has not played with any other children. He pours sand on the other children's heads, drinks from the tuff spot tray, eats sand, tries to pull wires from the wall, he has punched 2 childre…