All Early Years settings & Childminders: General Issues
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Help! Interview Advice Needed
by Guest- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hi I have been shortlisted for a nursery teacher post and have a day of interviews ahead of me on Tuesday. Has anyone got any tips? I haven't applied for jobs for ten years as I have been happy in my current school, but now I have moved house I have started applying again. I have a ten min carpet session to teach with a small group of mixed ability nursery children including one or two with severe learning difficulties plus a nursery nurse. Then I have a tour around school followed by a school council interview!! Then a formal interview in the afternoon. Any help or advice greatly received!!!! THANK YOU xx
Ring Games
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi everyone I have a music and movement session with my class tomorrow, and I needed some wow ideas which involve ring games. Has anyone got any good ideas?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
- 3 replies
Hi folks - I know this water comes up time after time and I myself, have been looking for recommendations for good value waterproof clothing ..... then the TTS sale stuff came through and I found these - haven't arrived yet so can't vouch for the quality but the price is so fantastic that they've got to be worth giving a go! I ordered some of each design in different sizes so the children will be able to select the right one (ie. if you are 3 you need a crocodile!) Worth a look - but don't buy all the stock until mine have arrived!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 3 replies
Anyone know of any Primary jobs out there in the North West for secondary teacher who is dedicated and desperate to change from secondary to Primary? She has bags of enthusiasm and dedication and would make a cracking Key stage 2 teacher if someone would just give her the chance! If you can suggest some creative ways of achieving this I would appreciate your advice. thanks so much Sunshine
Advise Needed Toilet/potty Training
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi all, I need your wonderful advise again please, We have a little boy at pre-school who is aged 4yrs 5months who is not toilet trained and still wears nappies, with our encouragement Mum has now put him in pants, the only problem is he holds himself from doing a wee or a poo for hours at a time and will then wet himself constantly for the next half hour. If she puts a nappy on him he will quite happily poo and wee. Any advise from anyone please Debbie
Splitting Up Friends
by Guest- 3 replies
We had a parent today who asked if we would keep her child away from another child as he keeps getting hurt by him (not the other childs fault most of the time just accidents!) they are really good friends and play together all the time, the parent asked for us to take the child away and out of any contact or play with that child! what would you do????
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6721, -
Theme - Frogs
by Guest- 5 replies
Hello im planning activites on the theme of frogs and wanted to make some pretend frogspawn has anyone got any ideas on what i can use that will look and feel like frogspawn.Thank you.
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hi all, Just wanted to share this news/idea with you because I'm so pleased with the result this year. For the last couple of years we have specifically invited the dads, grandads, into Pre-school to visit during the week following Father's Day (21st-25th June). We advertise activities such as lego, balls games, construction - becuase although a bit stereotypical the men we've spoken to are worried we are going to get them to play with the dolls or do painting! Anyway, this year I've done the same and last week invited the menfolk for 36 families. Well, although we've only had 9 replies so far, 7 of those have accepted our invitiation and will be coming in f…
by Guest- 13 replies
Enjoying the sunshine but have a question. We have recently gone from a sessional pre-school to full day care and with the hot weather we have parents ask if we can apply suncream (that they have provided). What is the procedure? Do we get each parent to sign, giving us permission? Thanking you Scottiedog
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13532, -
- 29 replies
Hi - we changed our routine today. We had free play from 9.30 - 11.45 with a rolling snack time, tidy up and storytime then home. Some of the children became very tired even fractious and I did wondered whether at one point I was making the right decision to go this way. for years we have had free play until 11.a.m and then for the last hour, a sit down snack time all together, music/movement/p.e. and storytime. I'm all for carrying on with the new routine, but would like to know from others who follow a similar style how their youngest children cope - do you plan in a quiet time somewhere into the session with one or two small group storytimes/music etc. and 'g…