All Early Years settings & Childminders: General Issues
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Owl Babies
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi there everyone. This half term we are doing homes of people and animals, we did the three little pigs for the past two weeks and thought this week, we would do animals. Alot of muy chn are interested in Owls, i'm not sure where this interest has suddenly come from....buyt i feel it definaetly needs addressing. I have thought about the text Owl Babies which i am sure they will love, lots of pse around that aswell. Any ideas for CLL FOR reception chn. I really want to inspire the chn to do some writing, maybe a letter to let the owl babies know they will be ok, or the chn to write a letter to lewt the mum owl to return to her babies. Any ideas would be grateful.…
Children's Prospectus
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi, I am thinking of working with our nursery children to create a Children's Prospectus - a booklet to share with new children joining the setting but made by our current children. I think it would be a great way for the children to voice thier own thoughts on what they like about the nursery. I am thinking of using a combinations of photographs and interviews to pull it together. I would give the chidren the camera to use themselves and I would transcribe thier comments. I was wondering if anyone else had repared something similar and would be really interested in hearing your experiences. Many thanks!
Children's Daily Diaries
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi I am Education Manager in a Children's Centre - I am looking into ways to further develop the links we have with our parents. At present we have a book that the staff in the childcare rooms write in everyday and send home. Comments are how their child ate, and 2 activities they enjoyed doing - 1 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon. I would like to include more detail really but give staff boxes with headings to write comments in with links to EYFS too so parents have an understanding on how what their child has done links in. Just wondered what anyone does and whether you could send examples to me to have a look at - also, whether anyone knows of a company w…
- 11 replies
It's come to the time of year that we are constantly having parents saying "oh my son/daughter is sooo ready to move upto school nursery, it's lovely here at playgroup but they need so much more now aargh it drives us up the wall! their little darling is still in nappies doesn't know their own name and just mouches around! We smile politely and say it's their choice, but it really makes you feel worthless sometimes. What do you say?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_22106, -
Conjunctivitis Whats Your Policy ?
by Guest- 17 replies
Do you exclude children with conjunctivitis ? I collected one of my charges from nursery earlier ths week and noticed immediatley he wasnt "right" There was no comment from the nursey teacher but he looked very sad and had red eyes.I questioned him gently and he said there was nothing wrong and he was nt sad. Concerned I rang mum but there was no answer so i left a message We popped along to the shops on the way home where we bumped into dad,I explained my concerns and he informed me his eyes had been worse the day before but he d appeared better that morning so he d been taken to nursery Mum later rang (mum and dad are separated) and said she d taken him to the…
Eyfs Status
by Guest- 8 replies
Hello just wanted to know that by 2012 all settings will need a qualfied eyfs member of staff but does this also apply to sessional pre-schools some one told me it does someone also told me it doesnt.thank you for any replies.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_12960, -
Pay Rises/review
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi all, We are a committee run pre-school and the committee is in the process of reviewing our pay. What is the general feeling regarding what percentages should be given? I realise that all settings are different but just wanted to get a feel of what everyone's opinions are. Thank you Scottiedog
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 9 replies
Do your staff attend fundraising events? I work for a committee run pre-school and the committee are organising LOTS of weekend fundraising events and expecting the staff to go. I wouldn't mind the occassional thing but feel we do enough 'out of hours' stuff and they have arranged or 3 saturday events in one month! Just wondered what everyone else does.... how they would feel. Many thanks!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_25331, -
Numeracy Display
by Guest- 11 replies
Hi All! I have just started a nursery to conver maternity leave. I have had to start early as the teacher has taken her maternity early, so feeling a little stressed as I havent had a chance to take evrything in. I have been given a numeracy display to do based on the topic of Zoo Animals. Has anyone got any ideas for a display with childrens work? thanks.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
- 21 replies
Hi All, your advice again please - after Easter I have a little girl starting in my setting who does not speak any English. Mum and Dad are Polish and speak only Polish at home. Mum can speak and understands English very well but we have no experience in this area at all. So far we have never had a child for whom English is a 2nd language. I'm sure you will have loads of advice.