All Early Years settings & Childminders: General Issues
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What's In A Name?
by Guest- 28 replies
I was pondering (as you do) about the fact that in our setting the children call the staff 'auntie X'. This has been the case since forever and so I was wondering is this too old fashioned and what do children call the staff in other settings? I'd guess that in maintained settings it's Mrs/Miss/Ms X but what about those of you in PVI settings? Just being nosy really
- 0 replies
Hi all sometime ago I found some student cards on the site but I can no longer find them does anyone know where to find them please. thank you in advance Karen. also sorry if I have posted in the wrong place
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1326, -
- 9 replies
We are a sessional Pre-School set within school grounds, we a have a policy in place with regards the disposal of nappies. Basically wet nappies are disposed of by us, however soiled nappies are double bagged and the parents are asked to take them home and dispose of them. Up until now this has worked fine, parents are very understanding and there have been no issues. However we now seem to have a parent who has taken to throwing them out of her car outside the school gates!! We are 99% sure we know which parent it is, not the most approachable parent!! So other than putting a letter out to all parents, I am having to go out and collect them and take them home!! Any sugg…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_75, -
Stay And Play For Parents
by Guest- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi I am holding my first stay and play session for parents. I work as a childminder and some feedback I had on my parent evaluation was that they would like more opportunities to meet with each other. I attend a childminders playgroup at our local school in their resource room (the network team have provided lots of resources that we keep there to use) so I have booked this room for a session at the end of January and would welcome any ideas of how to run it. I was thinking I might bring the rhyme prop box that I use to do rhymes so that parents can see it in action. The ages of the children range from 16mths to 4 (although the 3 and 4 yr old may not attend as will be …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_15046, -
- 5 replies
Next week I am discussing with my DPP students how to help pre-school children respect their bodies and protect themselves from abuse. This is part of the externally marked assignment for the DPP. Last year's feedback was that the students needed to include more strategies to help children protect themselves. Does anyone have any ideas for activities on this difficult subject?
- 5 replies
Hi all, I'm after some bright ideas because I'm totally stumped on this one. I've got forms to apply to our LEA for capital funding to spend on our outdoors provision. Ideally I would LOVE to apply for funding to create a shelter, but this just isn't possible because we are in a listed building, and any awnings or shelters wouldn't be allowed. I've spoken to the guy at the council and the criteria are as follows: - It needs to be for capital works, i.e. to add value to the setting, not for 'resources' that could be taken away and used elsewhere (this rules out a marquee apparently). - It can't require planning consent because of the time scales involv…
Photos At Christmas Play
by Guest- 10 replies
Hi, I think I might be going over old ground here but..... If all the parents agree amongst themselves that they would like to take photos and video at the play but agree these are only for their own use and not to be put on the internet etc.... do we need to ask them all to sign something, also all the grandparents etc. that come along?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_22106, -
Learning Through Landscapes
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi all - i'm just considering whether to persuade my committee to pay out £60 for LTL membership. We are trying to improve our outdoor provision and I could use some ideas, but is the membership worth £60 - it does seem a bit steep!! Is anyone a member? Would you recommend it? What sort of things can you access? Thanks for any thoughts Carmen
Rhythmic And Rhyming Activities
by Guest- 3 replies
Hello all you clever people, I would like some ideas for rhyming and rhythmic activities that you have found to be successful with your 3 and 4 year olds. I think I may be thinking too hard about it and the activities may be quite obvious! ppp
Pre -school Booster Immunisations
by Guest- 2 replies
Hello - we have lots of our children going for their pre-school boosters . On our information sheet which is given out at the beginning of the year stating exclusion periods for common childhood ailments it says that a child should stay at home for 24hrs after immunisation has taken place . I have telephoned HV's and school nurses but cannot manange to speak to someone for clarification . Just wondering if anyone else has heard of this and follows guideline and the reason for it - we got ours whilst on a H and S course we would just like to know why or maybe its an outdated guideline - Anyone please help!! Lizzz
Last reply by AnonyMouse_20748,