All Early Years settings & Childminders: General Issues
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What "must" Be Out?
by Guest- 4 replies
In our setting we seem to have the following Sand and/or Water Tactile play Painting Free Craft table inc mark making Adult led Activity Table Small world Role play area Book Corner Puzzles Carpet area Is this a standard or set list that all settings must provide? We are a pack away preschool in a very small room and im just curious to know what the "must haves" are so I can expand on these yet still have what should be out out, if that makes sense!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_12805, -
Menu Planning
by Guest- 11 replies
Hello all, I'd like to plan a few weekly menus for a small nursery caring for 3months to 4 years plus. We are registered for around 30 children in all. I thought it would be good to have, say, 4 weekly menus and use them in rotation. If any of you have done this before and have any ideas or tips then I'd be glad to hear from you. Thanks!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
- 10 replies
Hi all As some of you will already know I have had my first SIP visit.......I have just received the 'Notes of Visit' and I am happy, happy, happy!!! Some lovely comments about my setting........ Anyway, now I have finished blowing my own trumpet! Thought I would let you know ........just in case it helps anyone else.........what my 'points for action' are: Update the children's records to provide a space to record the address of other carers (it is the 'address' part that I don't have) Obtain written permission to seek emergency medical advice as well as treatment in an emergency (it is the advice bit that I don't have - feels a bit nit-picking to …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
- 4 replies
Hi, What do you do when a child refuses to eat, or even try any of their lunch, saying they dont like it? Do you give in and prepare something else for them? We have this several times a week with different children, and are not sure if its a knock on effect from the 1st in the week, or the child genuinely doesnt like whats in front of them... but surely not everything in the plate? Also one older child is refusing to try anything at all (usually on packed lunches). Preparing something else for the child is causing problems with the other children in the group, as they want what hes having then, and i feel that we are giving in to easily, but not wanting to ca…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_15046, -
- 16 replies
Hi I just wondered if anyone would be kind enough to let me have the exact wording of paragraph 6 in Appendix 2 of the EYFS statutory guidance under 'Children aged three and over in any registered early years provision. It originally read: Between the hours of 8am and 4pm, where a person with Qualified Teacher Status, Early Years Professional Status or another suitable level 6 qualification (which is full and relevant and defined by the CWDC) is working directly with the children, the following requirements apply: I know it changed ages ago but would be really grateful if someone has access to an up to date version and could help me out! I just need the exact wordin…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
Qualification Audit
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi guys, just a quicky, i need to check that the qualification someone holds is still acceptable efore i offer them a position and can not for the life of me remember the website i use to check it? can anyone help? Thanks guys!
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi just wondering if anyone has already become an eco school who could offer advice. We are a nursery in a primary school and im really interested in becoming an eco nursery. Any help?? Have had a quick look at the website but just wondered if anyone had already achieved it or started the process who could explain it. Thanks xx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73, -
- 23 replies
Today I had an argument with my manager about the fact that I wanted to take home some of my childrens' learning journals to add in comments/observations etc. She told me that the journals must always be kept on the premises. Of course I entirely understand the reasoning behind this, but because I never get any non-contact time to do this work, I find that I am always falling behind. I am the senior practitioner within the nursery and the only person on the team who works full-time. As two of the team have (very) limited skills in written English it is left up to myself and another part-time member of staff to update the journals for 35 children. I am really just havin…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_12960, -
- 1 follower
- 38 replies
Hi, I wonder if any of you could help me a bit? My EYAT wants me to set up areas within the Preschool tied to the six areas of learning. She has been unable to convince me of her reasoning behind this - and I have been unable to make her understand why I really don't think this is a good idea. She has now written it into my EYQISP as an area for action, so I'm not a happy bunny. So my question is this: Do YOU have your Preschool set up in this way - and if you do, what benefits does it bring? My own personal feeling is that children should feel able to get what they want and take it to an area where they feel comfortable - for instance, to take dolls etc…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 23 replies
We are in a church hall, toilets are outside of our main room and no way could a child use them unaccompanied, whilst I know it is good practise for staff to go in with a child in pairs it is also impossible and impractical. All staff are CRB checked. But in light of recent events, I have had one staff member say today that she was uncomfortable doing the above and my answer to her was that it was no different to what it had always been and that unless we were told any different we would carry on. To be honest if staff were to start going out in pairs then we would have to employ another member of staff, 2 at the moment! If anyone goes out to the toilet they usually ta…