All Early Years settings & Childminders: General Issues
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Do You All Get Fed Up With.......
by Guest- 12 replies
the same old moans .......I have a meeting tomorrow and I know the topic of conversation with staff is 'the mess' arrrgggghhhh! We are a mixed age setting (2-4) and most resources (since I changed the room around) are self accessible to the is difficult to maintain/contain the areas of learning and yes, they do get a bit messy, but hey that is the nature of our job isn't it? To remind the children to clear away their mess, to support their path of interest......I think some of the staff I am working with are so used to the adult saying what comes out and when that they can't seem to relax with the upturned boxes of stuff.....there is major dispute about …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_26403, -
Music Room Activities
by Guest babyjane31- 3 replies
Hi everyone, after half term we have been given weekly use of our feeder primary schools music room. I am trying to compile a list of possible activities we could plan but none of us are very musical minded and are really struggling. Any good ideas??? Thanks in advance.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
Zone/area Displays
by Guest- 0 replies
I work in a baby room and we are making displays for the different Zones i.e. Creative Zone, Physical, Quiet etc. Now i wish to add some working with photos etc. I have found lots to add for older children but not for 0-2 years. What sayings/wording can i add which link to the EYFS? Example in our Imaginative play area i have the following ' Dressing up and role play involves acting out roles free or theme led exploring feelings, learning to dress and undress independently'. I have quit a few but need many more for all areas of the room but my minds gone blank.
Free Flow Provision?
by Guest- 12 replies
hello, I've found my way onto this fab forum! I'm trying to bring in free flow provision in my setting but have come up against some opposition, certain members of the staff dont want to see change, and say it wont work, we are a small setting with upto 20 children a session but more often than not only have 12. the staff feel we would have to do head counts every 5 mins as we would lose a child, this isn't possible as the outside areais totally enclosed and the comittee have spent a lot of money on the outside area just recently. we always have 3 members of staff on rota, whats the best way to manage the staff to ensure ratios and ensure safe guarding issues do…
- 8 replies
I could really do with some ideas. Ive got a member of staff that i really dont know what to do with. She is..... dozy really doesnt cover it, shes finished her level 2, we arent willing to keep her on for her level 3, but shes with us for another month now, and im getting so frustrated. she just never thinks and when she does, her reasoning is so random. She either doesnt ask, or asks too much... theres no middle ground, and she doesnt seem to understand when its explained to her, no matter who explains it. she nods and says the right thing, but a week later we're back were we started. Shes not lazy, and doesnt have an attitude, shes a lovely girl on the whole, b…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6541, -
New Setting Advice Needed
by Guest- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Hello im due to open a new pre-school after half term but im not sure what to do as we have had very little interest and have only got 4 children enrolled despite lots of advertisment,handing out leaflets,word of mouth and open mornings/afternoons.So at the moment on some days we will only have 2 children attending which wont cover rent let alone other expences.Do i open or do i postpone to later date but risk losing children already enrolled.I have put a lot of time,effort and money into this pre-school so i dont want to give up,but im just not sure what to do next,any advice would be great.
Last reply by Helen, -
- 8 replies
Hi everyone, I'm hoping someone might be able to help me, I normally work with 3/4 year olds but have been asked by my manager to help run the toddler 2/3 year room for a couple of weeks as they are struggling and need some support. My most pressing issue is the amount of time the staff spend filling in parent feedback books, I appreaciate that feedback is essential but am looking for some ways to make it less time consuming. Does everyone use books or can I possibly introduce a paper form with preprinted info for staff to highlight or make a small comment on ? Also can anyone help with what you feedback about as I think some of our feedback is a bit pointless ! …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_12960, -
- 9 replies
Do you let them prepare snack? If no because of food safety....... As only one member of staff needs to have a food hygiene certificate per setting because they report back to the other staff how to handle food correctly. Surely if you inform parent helpers how to prepare food correctly and practice good hygiene skills it is the same? Am writing this in a hurry so apologies for poor grammar. ppp
Sign Of The Times
by Guest- 1 reply
During a showaround this week I had a prospective parent ask how we manage nappy changing. I explained about the key person appraoach and how children are changed when they need to be by their key person, but all are checked regulalry and I also explained that all members of staff have a CRB check and references are taken up. However I wonder if this question will crop up more often with the discovery of what's happened in Plymouth? Have others noticed this question being asked more often?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 27 replies