All Early Years settings & Childminders: General Issues
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by Guest- 19 replies
Having just been into my baby room and observed the children having a great time with water play I did comment that they haven't got aprons on. The NN in there who is lovely said "oh I forgot sorry". Also in the past I have had to "teach" new members of staff how to do something as basic as reading a story to a small group This got me thinking about what I would like to see taught at college or on the NVQ. Having worked as a full time Assessor I know what the learners need to do, but basic things such as remembering aprons, how to read a story, how to talk to children, etc. seem to be overlooked. I know they should learn this "on the job" but sometimes unless things a…
3d Glasses
by Guest- 0 replies
Hi all I have been given some Cinema 3D glasses. Has any one come across any problems with them. I thought they would make a great addition to the dressing up kit. Many thanks Philippa
Playing With Compost
by Guest- 27 replies
Just wondering what other settings do if they allow children to play with compost and if so do the children wear gardening gloves? Also if you do let them play with the compost with no gloves, do you do a risk assessment for this area of play. Looking forward to any comments
High Level Ta
by Guest- 0 replies
Has anyone got any advice about covering the standards and collecting evidence for HLTA. I'm lost Helpppppppp
Traffic Light System
by Guest cheryl3- 14 replies
Evening all. We are hoping to introduce the traffic light system into our pre school setting and was looking for some advice. We already have red, amber and green circles attached to our makaton signs that we keep on us all the time but never use them! I was thinking of using it like a red card (football) system - show the green 1st chance, amber 2nd chance, red last chance, come and sit with a practitioner to calm down for a bit. We are only a small setting, but we are set over two rooms and therefore can't keep shouting across the setting that one of the children has been shown the traffic light? Any ideas anyone to either extend this idea or offer so…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
Would You?
by Guest- 17 replies
I have a request from a local college that caters for children aged 12 upwards with Aspergers to have one of their pupils on a work experience for a term, he is 17 years old and lives in a shared house close by the college....I have been to meet him, he is lovely and I am assured by the college that he will be noproblem with the children and this is the career he eventually wants to work with young children.......I can't help feeling a little worried....he is such a lovely boy and I think i am letting the fact he has Aspergers worry me too much.....I guess I need someone else out there to reassure me and say what you would do, I desperately want to give him this opportuni…
More Toilet Talk....sorry
by Guest- 11 replies
Hi, I am clearly stuck in a toilet schema at the moment... Following yesterday's question about loo rolls.... What do you do when you are out with the children on a countryside walk and someone needs the loo? I would encourage them to go behind a tree but what if it's more than a wee? Sorry...a very silly question but we are planning a whole morning walk and I wouldn't want to send someone all the way back to base. Answers on a piece of loo paper please...
- 11 replies
Can anyone tell me whether they charge for nursery trips- entrance to farms, theatre tickets and train tickets. It has been suggested to me that those children receiving funding should not be charged extra. any suggestions welcome
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19635, -
- 13 replies
hello all Where can i get disposable gloves at a resonable price, it is an item that needs to be replenish quite often. Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_12805, -
Washable Aprons
by Guest- 2 replies
Can anyone recommend where I can purchase these. I need them in different colours but need around 60 so need to be affordable!!!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_21338,