All Early Years settings & Childminders: General Issues
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Has Anyone Ever Set Up A Playgroup?
by Guest- 14 replies
Hi all I was wondering if anyone had ever set up a playgroup (not a toddler group session) from scratch and if so how did you go about it. I know of a possible school where this may be possible and was wondering whether to approach them, but don't want to go blind (if you know what I mean). I wondered if there would be help available in the form of a grant or something initially and how you go about registering as a charity and getting a parent committee. Thanks in advance for your help and advice. Netta
Staff Conflict
by Guest- 3 replies
If you was team leader and a member of staff had a problem with another member of staff how would you deal with it? What if they told you it in confidence and didn't want anything said? Would you mention anything to your manager? Any help would be great, i am going for a team leader posistion in a nursery and staff conflict is something i have never dealt with before.
Hi Ho, Hi Ho....
by Guest- 13 replies
I am looking to introduce some music to play at tidy up time, currently we ring some bells and tell the children there are 5 minutes left to play then ring the bells again and declare its time to tidy up. I would like to change this, (still using the timer) but have some music playing during the tidy up period to motivate children and clearly identify the time of change. so, any ideas as to what music would be suitable and where i can get it from! I was thinking classical/ or animal/jungle/ocean sounds etc....
by Guest- 15 replies
Couldn't see one so stuck it in here! I'd be ever so grateful if you could share your most successful fundraising ideas with me as we are trying to raise tons of moolah for a new building. Also any good ways to get parents involved/to attend fundraisers, most of ours don't want to know! Thanks ppp
Last reply by AnonyMouse_9650, -
Putting Things Away?
by Guest- 17 replies
Ok today is my first day as the manager of the nursery.......ok remember my problems with the Admin manager and that are roles were clarified and defined so as to give me autonomony....well today the team set up the room as per plan for settling in...mark making table set up with pens paper etc....very close to self selecting shelf with more pens glue scissors etc for their Admin manager walks into the room mid session and clears the mark making table...another member of staff got more things out with a child again....half an hour later the Admin manager comes back into the room and clears it again....and so I say can you please leave the table...she …
Introduction Of The 5 Senses
by Guest- 4 replies
I`m starting a new job next week in a nursery setting and the 1st topic is about the 5 senses. I am bursting ideas and resources but i`m worried about how to introduce the topic to the children! Can anyone help me please!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_665, -
All About Me
by Guest- 12 replies
having tackled some paper work today and prepared a few things ready for monday (first day back) i decided i did not like our 'all about me' sheet, as its dark, photcopied from our local authority and a bit boring actually! Does anyone have an 'all about me' or something similar that you use to find out about your children when they first start, for example ours says things like.. I live with my favourite toys are... my friends are.... i can/cannot go to the toilet alone etc etc etc... so any ideas or templates or anything that i can adapt and use by monday??!!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_705, -
- 1 reply
Hi All, I have children leaving our nursery to move onto school. In an ideal world I would send our current EYFS profle books to the school to act as a 'report' for the children. However, as I am not happy the profile book contains enough information I will write a report on each of the children (who start in a few weeks). Does anyone have a sample template? Many thanks. Emma
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 4 replies
Hi, does anyone have any suggestions on how to allow freeflow between indoors and outdoors if the children are upstairs?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
- 8 replies
Do you have such forms that you ask your parents to sign? We have one which I inherited and it mentions accompanying the child in an ambulance - this doesn't seem right to me. Any thoughts? ppp