All Early Years settings & Childminders: General Issues
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- 9 replies
Hello Everyone, I need advise regarding fire drill and exit procedure. My nursery is not purpose built but converted house, we have the baby room U/S. Incase of fire starting U/S (God forbid) but it is better to be prepared, what sort of procedure should we have in place, all the door are fire doors. I would really appreciate sample procedure policy for those who have a similar type of nursery please I am due Ofsted and l know this might crop up. Thanks.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 7 replies
HI Do any of you have a rota for creative activities, cooking etc wekk1 finger painting week 2 blow painting and so on and also other activiites only we are finding that less and less of these activities are happening due to free play thanks sharon
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
by Guest- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hiya, I'm not sure if this is the right place or not, please move to the appropriate section if not. I have recently taken over the running of a playgroup, which is based within a homeless family unit - now due to being on residential premises (sp?) we do not have to be registered with Ofsted. However, from September, I am hoping to start working with the EYFS - and in the long run, hoping to set up voluntary registration. I haven't worked with the EYFS before, and would like some general tips and advice as to how to plan and manage children's learning with it. Thanks Love Kim x
Last reply by Helen, -
- 4 replies
a quick question - we take photos which we use for observation / assesment , these are included in the LJ alongside a brief written obs -describing what was happening etc etc. do we stick these photos into the childs LJ and complete the written obs or do we involve the children and get them to stick them in and and then to tell us about what was happening in the picture etc ? this is for playgroup aged children.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_24251, -
Circle Time
by Guest- 13 replies
I was just wondering if anyone plans " circle time" sessions each day?? The staff seem to do the same thing all the time and was thinking whether to plan for these each week...or is it to much planning?? Any example formats would be much appreciated!!!!x
Playgroup Closure
by Guest- 17 replies
Hi all, Our playgroup has been shut down, which has left us all devastated, all to do with paperwork and management. I have been left to sort out all accounts and 22yrs of paperwork. Please could anyone let me know what has to be kept and what can be shredded. I have allsorts, ranging from wage slips, accident/incident forms, to old insurance certificates and i have no idea what to keep to store. Thank you in anticipation for your help with this sad matter.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
Advise Please!
by Guest- 16 replies
i don't know if i am putting this in the right place but didn't really know where to put it! we had a mother ask us today to not let her child go home with his father if he ever turns up to collect him. without going into too much detail mum and dad have recently split (mum decided she had had enough and has found love elsewhere!) dad is very upset as you can imagine so i believe from what mum is telling us,he is making noises about seeing the children alot more than she would like, (i think it's so sad when the children are mixed up in the middle of adults problems) am i right in thinking that unless there is a safeguarding issue or unless there is a court order again…
- 3 replies
Hi, we're looking at our heating this year and I thought it would be a good idea to find out how the rest of you are heating your large spaces, and what's the most economical method. We have no gas to the building, only electricity. We currently have 3 very 'hungry' radiant heaters way up in the roof (former church) that don't do very much, and use blow fan heaters (also very un-economical) and struggle to get the room up to 18 degrees in winter some days
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
Outside Den
by Guest- 11 replies
I have spent nearly all morning, on and off, on Google, trying to source a specific outdoor den for nursery. I have seen it somewhere, I can picture it in my minds eye, but I cant remember the name of it or where I saw it, so I am hoping that when I describe it one of you lovely people can point me in the right direction! Its an outdoor den thing, in the shape similar to a teepee, but is made of reed or wicker or something similar. Am I making any sense? I have typed in a million, or so its seems, different things on Google to find it but I am having no luck!!! Can anybody help please before I go mad!!! Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_23722, -
Books Dealing With Death
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi all, I have a little boy at my nursery who is very interested in what happens when people die. Does anyone know of any good children's books which deal with death sensitively and in an age appropriate way (he's three) without discussing religion in a way which only presents one religious point of view??? Ie I don't want a book which only says people go to heaven when different religions have different beliefs about death and the hereafter. Thanks for your help!!! Danielle